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2024-08-14 02:01:14 UTC
CO-OPERATION AS KNOWLEDGE / INFORMATION (24 x 7 X 13 | 28 x 6 x 13 =
#2184) ECONOMY?

(c) 2024 Dolf Leendert Boek, Published: 14 August 2024

#709 - MALE TOTAL: #239 as [#6, #5, #2, #90, #200, #6, #400] = bâtsar
(H1219): {UMBRA: #292 % #41 = #5} 1) to gather, restrain, fence,
fortify, make inaccessible, enclose; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cut off; 1a2)
fortified, cut off, made inaccessible (pass participle); 1a3) *SECRETS*,
*MYSTERIES*, *INACCESSIBLE* *THINGS* (subst); 1b) (Niphal) to be
withheld; 1c) (Piel) to fortify;

According to Google translate this COMPASS [#52 - MEASURE (TU) / #60 -
(FA)] NOTION means #174 - guīgé (規格): SPECIFICATION; FORMAT; NORM;
STANDARD (ie. evidently c² = a² + b² was known to PYTHAGORAS at the time
of JEWISH Babylonian captivity) and given a contemporaneous Jewish
history of KING ARISTOBULUS I: 104-103 BCE to that of the CHINESE Tàichū
(太初): GRAND INCEPTION as TETRA #81 with a new moon 🌑 on 21 December 104
BCE (103 BCE with #0 CE) + 7 x 19 metonic lunar cycles = 30 AD and the
notion "MIDST OF THE WEEK" is a 3.5 year / 1274 day period (ie.

#379 = [#44, #30, #42, #77, #18, #37, #48, #12, #71]

#1513 - FEME TOTAL: #379 as [#80, #100, #70, #3, #50, #800, #200, #10,
#200] = prógnōsis (G4268): {UMBRA: #1513 % #41 = #37} 1) foreknowledge;
2) forethought, pre-arrangement;


#28 #13 #09 #59 #66 #79 #51 #44 #20
#50 #08 #19 #81 #58 #65 #43 #30 #15
#11 #77 #70 #42 #46 #35 #04 #27 #57
#75 #33 #53 #22 #02 #18 #68 #61 #37
#06 #72 #56 #34 #41 #48 #26 #10 #76
#45 #21 #14 #64 #80 #60 #29 #49 #07
#25 #55 #78 #47 #36 #40 #12 #05 #71
#67 #52 #39 #17 #24 #01 #63 #74 #32
#62 #38 #31 #03 #16 #23 #73 #69 #54


#75 - FAILURE (SHIH) [#6, #29, #40]

guīju (規矩): 1. a ruler; set square; literally *COMPASS* *AND* *SET*
*SQUARE*, 2. a rule; a standard, 3. upright; honest

Which is here exemplified as "COURSE-trochos of NATURE-genesis" [James
3:6] by #22 - RESISTANCE (KE) - 𝌛格 = #473 as [#3, #5, #50, #5, #200,
#10, #200] = génesis (G1078): {UMBRA: #473 % #41 = #22} 1) source,
origin; 1a) a book of one's lineage, i.e. in which his ancestry or
progeny are enumerated; 2) used of birth, nativity; 3) of that which
follows origin, viz. existence, life; 3a) the wheel of life (Jas 3:6),
other explain it, the wheel of human origin which as soon as men are
born begins to run, i.e. its course of life;

#44 - 𝌱竈 = #218 / #380 / #495
COGITO: [#36, #23, #43, #67, #28] as #44 - STOVE (TSAO)
RANGE: noon 03 to 07 JULY


#1546 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#400, #300, #40, #6, #200, #600] = shâmar
(H8104): {UMBRA: #540 % #41 = #7} 1) to keep, guard, observe, give heed;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to keep, have charge of; 1a2) to keep, guard, keep watch
and ward, protect, *SAVE* life; i) watch, watchman (participle); 1a3) to
watch for, wait for; 1a4) to watch, observe; 1a5) to keep, retain,
treasure up (in memory); 1a6) to keep (within bounds), restrain; 1a7)
*COMMANDS*), *PERFORM* (*VOW*); 1a8) to keep, preserve, protect; 1a9) to
keep, reserve; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be on one's guard, take heed, take
care, beware; 1b2) to keep oneself, refrain, abstain; 1b3) to be kept,
be guarded; 1c) (Piel) to keep, pay heed; 1d) (Hithpael) to keep oneself

#467 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#30, #7, #10, #400, #20] = zayith (H2132):
{UMBRA: #417 % #41 = #7} 1) olive, olive tree; 1a) *OLIVE* *TREE*; 1b)
olives; 2) mountain facing Jerusalem on the east side;

#386 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #80, #200, #6, #90, #5] = pârats
(H6555): {UMBRA: #370 % #41 = #1} 1) to break through or down or over,
burst, breach; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to break or burst out (from womb or
enclosure); 1a2) to break through or down, make a breach in; 1a3) to
break into; 1a4) to break open; 1a5) to break up, break in pieces; 1a6)
to break out (violently) upon; 1a7) to break over (limits), increase;
1a8) to use violence; 1a9) to burst open; 1a10) to spread, distribute;
1b) (Niphal) to be *BROKEN* *THROUGH*; 1c) (Pual) to be broken down; 1d)
(Hithpael) to break away;

#704 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #3, #20, #5, #50, #300, #100, #10, #200,
#1, #10] = enkentrízō (G1461): {UMBRA: #1300 % #41 = #29} 1) to cut into
for the sake of inserting a scion; 2) to inoculate, ingraft, *GRAFT* *IN*;

#1271 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #9, #400, #40, #800, #9, #8] = thymóō
(G2373): {UMBRA: #1319 % #41 = #7} 1) to cause one to become incensed,
to provoke to anger; 2) to be wroth;

#1170 - MALE TOTAL: #366 as [#80, #1, #100, #70, #100, #3, #9, #7, #800]
= parorgízō (G3949): {UMBRA: #1171 % #41 = #23} 1) to rouse to wrath, to
provoke, exasperate, anger;

#1010 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#40, #400, #70, #300, #200] = ʻâshar
(H6238): {UMBRA: #570 % #41 = #37} 1) to be or become rich or wealthy,
enrich, pretend to be rich; 1a) (Qal) to be or become rich; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to make rich; 1b2) to gain riches; 1c) (Hithpael) to
enrich oneself, pretend to be rich;

#785 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #300, #30, #20, #400, #10, #20] = shâlak
(H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl, fling; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed, cast down;
1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown, be cast;
1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be cast

#981 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#200, #70, #500, #10, #1, #200] = sophía
(G4678): {UMBRA: #781 % #41 = #2} 1) wisdom, broad and full of
intelligence; used of the knowledge of very diverse matters; 1a) the
wisdom which belongs to men; 1a1) spec. the varied knowledge of things
human and divine, acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in
maxims and proverbs; 1a2) the science and learning; 1a3) the act of
interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice; 1a4) the
intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some mysterious
number or vision; 1a5) skill in the management of affairs; 1a6) devout
and proper prudence in intercourse with men not disciples of Christ,
skill and discretion in imparting Christian truth; 1a7) the knowledge
and practice of the requisites for godly and upright living; 1b) supreme
intelligence, such as belongs to God; 1b1) to Christ; 1b2) *THE*

#866 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#10, #200, #100, #1, #8, #30, #9, #300, #8,
#200] = Israēlítēs (G2475): {UMBRA: #867 % #41 = #6} 1) an Israelite,
one of the nation of *ISRAEL*, a name to be held in honour;

#94 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#30, #3, #6, #10, #5, #40] = gôwy (H1471):
{UMBRA: #19 % #41 = #19} 1) nation, people; 1a) *NATION*, *PEOPLE*; 1a1)
usually of non-Hebrew people; 1a2) of descendants of Abraham; 1a3) of
Israel; 1b) of swarm of locusts, other animals (fig.); 1c) Goyim? =

#717 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#2, #5, #2, #8, #30, #70, #400, #200] =
bébēlos (G952): {UMBRA: #317 % #41 = #30} 1) accessible, lawful to be
trodden; 1a) of places; 2) profane; 2a) unhallowed, common, public
place; 2b) of men, *UNGODLY*;

#30 - 𝌣毅 = #204 / #366 / #481
COGITO: [#12, #27, #79, #79, #74] as #30 - BOLD RESOLUTION (YI)
RANGE: noon 01 to 05 MAY


#366 - FEME TOTAL: #204 as [#4, #10, #1, #20, #70, #50, #10, #1, #200] =
diakonía (G1248): {UMBRA: #166 % #41 = #2} 1) service, ministering, esp.
of those who execute the commands of others; 2) of those who by the
command of God proclaim and promote religion among men; 2a) of the
office of Moses; 2b) *OF* *THE* *OFFICE* *OF* *THE* *APOSTLES* *AND*
*ITS* *ADMINISTRATION*; 2c) of the office of prophets, evangelists,
elders etc.; 3) the ministration of those who render to others the
offices of Christian affection esp. those who help meet need by either
collecting or distributing of charities; 4) the office of the deacon in
the church; 5) the service of those who prepare and present food;

#770 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#80, #200, #90, #400] = pârats (H6555):
{UMBRA: #370 % #41 = #1} 1) to break through or down or over, burst,
breach; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to break or burst out (from womb or enclosure);
1a2) to break through or down, make a breach in; 1a3) to break into;
1a4) to break open; 1a5) to break up, break in pieces; 1a6) to break out
(violently) upon; 1a7) to break over (limits), increase; 1a8) to use
violence; 1a9) to burst open; 1a10) to spread, distribute; 1b) (Niphal)
to be *BROKEN* *THROUGH*; 1c) (Pual) to be broken down; 1d) (Hithpael)
to break away;

#505 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#40, #400, #5, #30, #30] = hâlal (H1984):
{UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's
favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise, boast, be
boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) *BOASTFUL* *ONES*,
*BOASTERS* (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make
a boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;

#78 - MALE TOTAL: #366 as [#6, #30, #20, #2, #6, #4, #10] = kâbôwd
(H3519): {UMBRA: #32 % #41 = #32} 1) glory, honour, glorious, abundance;
1a) abundance, riches; 1b) honour, splendour, glory; 1c) honour,
dignity; 1d) honour, reputation; 1e) honour, reverence, glory; 1f) glory;

#155 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#10, #5, #4, #80, #50, #6] = Hâdaph (H1920):
{UMBRA: #89 % #41 = #7} 1) to thrust, push, drive, *CAST* *AWAY*, cast
out, expel, thrust away; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to thrust, push; 1a2) to drive
out, thrust out; 1a3) to depose;

#724 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#40, #50, #4, #10, #20, #600] = nâdâh
(H5077): {UMBRA: #59 % #41 = #18} 1) (Hiphil) exclude, drive away,
thrust aside; 2) (Piel) cast out, put away;

#372 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#6, #1, #300, #30, #10, #20, #5] = shâlak
(H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl, fling; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed, cast down;
1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown, be cast;
1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be cast

#1040 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#200, #70, #500, #70, #200] = sophós
(G4680): {UMBRA: #1040 % #41 = #15} 1) *WISE*; 1a) skilled, expert: of
artificers; 1b) wise, skilled in letters, cultivated, learned; 1b1) of
the Greek philosophers and orators; 1b2) of Jewish theologians; 1b3) of
Christian teachers; 1c) forming the best plans and using the best means
for their execution;

#950 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#6, #3, #1, #30, #400, #10, #500] = gâʼal
(H1350): {UMBRA: #34 % #41 = #34} 1) to redeem, act as kinsman-redeemer,
avenge, revenge, ransom, do the part of a kinsman; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
act as kinsman, do the part of next of kin, act as kinsman-redeemer; i)
by marrying brother's widow to beget a child for him, to redeem from
slavery, to redeem land, to exact vengeance; 1a2) to redeem (by
payment); 1a3) to redeem (with God as subject); i) individuals from
death; ii) Israel from Egyptian bondage; iii) *ISRAEL* *FROM* *EXILE*;
1a4) (Niphal); i) to redeem oneself; ii) to be redeemed;

#1662 - FEME TOTAL: #366 as [#80, #1, #300, #100, #10, #1, #100, #600,
#70, #400] = patriárchēs (G3966): {UMBRA: #1400 % #41 = #6} 1)
patriarch, founder of a tribe, progenitor; 1a) of the twelve sons of
Jacob, founders of the tribes of Israel; 1b) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;

#436 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#10, #6, #300, #10, #70, #40] /
#447 - FEME TOTAL: #204 as [#6, #5, #6, #300, #70, #50, #10] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;

#42 - 𝌯迎 = #216 / #378 / #493
COGITO: [#31, #21, #33, #80, #53] as #42 - GOING TO MEET (YING)
RANGE: noon 24 to 28 JUNE


#216 - FEME TOTAL: #216 as [#20, #70, #60, #6, #50, #10] = kaʻaç
(H3707): {UMBRA: #150 % #41 = #27} 1) to be angry, be vexed, be
indignant, be wroth, be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to be vexed, be indignant; 1a2) to be angry; 1b) (Piel) to provoke
to anger; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to vex; 1c2) to vex, provoke to anger;

#427 - MALE TOTAL: #378 as [#80, #100, #70, #20, #1, #30, #5, #70, #40,
#1, #10] = prokaléomai (G4292): {UMBRA: #427 % #41 = #17} 1) to call
forth; 2) to call forth to one's self; 2a) esp. to challenge to a combat
or contest with one; 3) to provoke, to irritate;

#180 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#40, #30, #10, #90, #10] = lûwts (H3887):
{UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3} 1) to scorn, make mouths at, talk arrogantly;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to boast; 1a2) to scorn; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to mock,
deride; 1b2) to interpret (language); i) interpreter (participle); ii)
ambassador (fig.); 1b3) (Hithpalpel) to be inflated, scoff, act as a
scorner, show oneself a mocker;

#77 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #1, #5, #30, #30, #5] = hâlal (H1984):
{UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's
favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise, boast, be
boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) *BOASTFUL* *ONES*,
*BOASTERS* (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make
a boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;

#513 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#1, #300, #2, #10, #200] = shâbar (H7665):
{UMBRA: #502 % #41 = #10} 1) to break, break in pieces; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
break, break in or down, rend violently, wreck, crush, quench; 1a2) to
break, rupture (fig); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be broken, be maimed, be
crippled, be wrecked; 1b2) *TO* *BE* *BROKEN*, be crushed (fig); 1c)
(Piel) to shatter, break; 1d) (Hiphil) to cause to break out, bring to
the birth; 1e) (Hophal) to be broken, be shattered;

#777 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #400, #300, #30, #10, #20, #5, #6] =
shâlak (H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl,
fling; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed,
cast down; 1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown,
be cast; 1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be
cast (metaph);

#721 - MALE TOTAL: #378 as [#2, #70, #400, #30, #5, #200, #9, #5] =
boúlomai (G1014): {UMBRA: #623 % #41 = #8} 1) to will deliberately, have
a purpose, be minded; 2) of willing as an affection, to desire;

#820 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#1, #4, #5, #30, #500, #70, #10, #200] =
adelphós (G80): {UMBRA: #810 % #41 = #31} 1) a brother, whether born of
the same two parents or only of the same father or mother; 2) having the
same national ancestor, belonging to the same people, or countryman; 3)
any fellow or man; 4) a fellow believer, united to another by the bond
of affection; 5) an associate in employment or office; 6) *BRETHREN*
*IN* *CHRIST*; 6a) his brothers by blood; 6b) all men; 6c) *APOSTLES*;
6d) Christians, as those who are exalted to the same heavenly place;

#621 - FEME TOTAL: #216 as [#70, #40, #10, #100, #400, #1] = ʻămîyq
(H5994): {UMBRA: #220 % #41 = #15} 1) deep; 2) deep things, *DEEP*

#2480 - MALE TOTAL: #493 as [#300, #5, #300, #400, #500, #800, #40, #5,
#50, #70, #10] = typhóō (G5187): {UMBRA: #2070 % #41 = #20} 1) to raise
a smoke, to wrap in a mist; 1a) metaph.; 1a1) to make proud, puff up
with pride, render insolent; 1a2) to be puffed up with haughtiness or
pride; 1b) to *BLIND* with pride or *CONCEIT*, to render foolish or
stupid; 1b1) beclouded, besotted;

#315 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #1, #300, #3, #5] = shâgâh (H7686):
{UMBRA: #308 % #41 = #21} 1) to go astray, stray, err; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to err, stray; 1a2) to swerve, meander, reel, roll, be intoxicated, err
(in drunkenness); 1a3) to go astray (morally); 1a4) to commit sin of
*IGNORANCE* or inadvertence, err (ignorantly); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
lead astray; 1b2) to lead astray, mislead (mentally); 1b3) to lead
astray (morally);

#311 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#10, #90, #200, #5, #6] = yâtsar (H3335):
{UMBRA: #300 % #41 = #13} 1) to form, fashion, frame; 1a) (Qal) to form,
fashion; 1a1) of human activity; 1a2) of divine activity; i) of
creation; 1) of original creation; 2) of individuals at conception; 3)
of Israel as a people; ii) to frame, pre-ordain, plan (fig. of divine)
purpose of a situation); 1a3) (Niphal) to be formed, be created; 1a4)
(Pual) to be predetermined, be pre-ordained; 1a5) (Hophal) to be formed;

#1107 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #400, #80, #1, #200, #400, #20] =
tiphʼârâh (H8597): {UMBRA: #686 % #41 = #30} 1) beauty, splendour,
glory; 1a) beauty, finery (of garments, jewels); 1b) glory; 1b1) of
rank, renown; 1b2) as attribute of God; 1c) honour (or nation Israel);
1d) glorying, boasting (of individual);

#437 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #5, #6, #300, #10, #70, #40] /
#1026 - FEME TOTAL: #216 as [#40, #6, #300, #10, #70, #600] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;

#77 - 𝍒馴 = #251 / #413 / #528
COGITO: [#47, #10, #50, #9, #9] as #77 - COMPLIANCE (HSUN)


#742 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#2, #50, #20, #60, #10, #600] = nekeç
(H5233): {UMBRA: #130 % #41 = #7} 1) riches, treasures;

#364 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#1, #30, #1, #7, #70, #50, #5, #200] =
alazṓn (G213): {UMBRA: #889 % #41 = #28} 1) an empty pretender, a boaster;

#656 - FEME TOTAL: #413 as [#1, #80, #70, #20, #1, #300, #8, #30, #30,
#1, #60, #5, #50] = apokatallássō (G604): {UMBRA: #1734 % #41 = #12} 1)
*TO* *RECONCILE* *COMPLETELY*; 2) to reconcile back again; 3) bring back
a former state of harmony;

#1014 - MALE TOTAL: #413 as [#1, #80, #70, #2, #1, #30, #30, #800] =
apobállō (G577): {UMBRA: #1014 % #41 = #30} 1) to throw off, *CAST* *AWAY*;

#818 - FEME TOTAL: #251 as [#2, #70, #400, #30, #5, #300, #1, #10] =
boúlomai (G1014): {UMBRA: #623 % #41 = #8} 1) to will deliberately, have
a purpose, be minded; 2) of willing as an affection, to desire;

#222 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#1, #50, #70, #40, #10, #1, #50] = anomía
(G458): {UMBRA: #172 % #41 = #8} 1) the condition of without law; 1a)
because ignorant of it; 1b) because of violating it; 2) contempt and
violation of law, iniquity, wickedness;

#980 - FEME TOTAL: #251 as [#70, #600, #30, #70, #10, #200] = óchlos
(G3793): {UMBRA: #970 % #41 = #27} 1) a crowd; 1a) a casual collection
of people; 1a1) a multitude of men who have flocked together in some
place; 1a2) a throng; 1b) a multitude; 1b1) the common people, as
opposed to the rulers and leading men; 1b2) with contempt: the ignorant
multitude, the populace; 1c) a multitude; 1c1) the multitudes, seems to
denote troops of people gathered together without order;

#402 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#10, #6, #300, #10, #70, #6] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;

#18 - 𝌗傒 = #192 / #354 / #469
COGITO: [#4, #24, #78, #71, #80] as #18 - WAITING (HSI)
RANGE: noon 08 to 12 MARCH


#840 - FEME TOTAL: #192 as [#50, #20, #60, #10, #700] = nᵉkaç (H5232):
{UMBRA: #130 % #41 = #7} 1) riches, property;

#92 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#6, #10, #5, #30, #30, #6, #5] = hâlal
(H1984): {UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig.
of God's favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise,
boast, be boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) boastful ones,
boasters (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make a
boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;

#106 - MALE TOTAL: #354 as [#4, #10, #1, #30, #30, #1, #3, #8, #9, #10]
= diallássō (G1259): {UMBRA: #1276 % #41 = #5} 1) to change; 2) to
change the mind of anyone, to reconcile; 3) *TO* *BE* *RECONCILED*, to
renew friendship with one;

#840 - FEME TOTAL: #192 as [#1, #80, #1, #100, #600, #8, #50] = aparchḗ
(G536): {UMBRA: #790 % #41 = #11} 1) to offer firstlings or
*FIRSTFRUITS*; 2) to take away the firstfruits of the productions of the
earth which was offered to God. The first portion of the dough, from
which sacred loaves were to be prepared. Hence term used of persons
consecrated to God for all time.; 3) persons superior in excellence to
others of the same class;

#840 - FEME TOTAL: #192 as [#40, #300, #200, #300] = sheresh (H8328):
{UMBRA: #800 % #41 = #21} 1) *ROOT*; 1a) root (literal); 1b) root (of
people involving firmness or permanence) (fig); 1c) root, bottom (as
lowest stratum) (fig);

#759 - FEME TOTAL: #192 as [#50, #9, #300, #400] = nâṭash (H5203):
{UMBRA: #359 % #41 = #31} 1) to leave, permit, forsake, cast off or
away, reject, suffer, join, spread out or abroad, be loosed, cease,
abandon, quit, hang loose, cast down, make a raid, lie fallow, let fall,
forgo, draw; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to leave, let alone, lie fallow, entrust
to; 1a2) to forsake, abandon; 1a3) to permit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
forsaken; 1b2) to be loosened, be loose; 1b3) to be let go, spread
abroad; 1c) (Pual) to be abandoned, be deserted;

#1245 - FEME TOTAL: #192 as [#40, #400, #5, #800] = myéō (G3453):
{UMBRA: #1245 % #41 = #15} 1) to initiate into the mysteries; 2) to
teach fully, instruct; 2a) to accustom one to a thing; 2b) to give one
an intimate acquaintance with a thing;

#893 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#6, #5, #70, #2, #200, #10, #600] = ʻIbrîy
(H5680): {UMBRA: #282 % #41 = #36} 0) Hebrew = 'one from beyond'; 1) a
designation of the patriarchs and the *ISRAELITES*; 2) a designation of
the patriarchs and the Israelites;

#304 - MALE TOTAL: #354 as [#5, #20, #20, #30, #8, #200, #10, #1, #10] =
ekklēsía (G1577): {UMBRA: #294 % #41 = #7} 1) a gathering of citizens
called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly; 1a) an
assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for
the purpose of deliberating; 1b) the assembly of the Israelites; 1c) any
gathering or throng of men assembled by chance, tumultuously; 1d) in a
Christian sense; 1d1) an assembly of Christians gathered for worship in
a religious meeting; 1d2) a company of Christian, or of those who,
hoping for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own
religious rites, hold their own religious meetings, and manage their own
affairs, according to regulations prescribed for the body for order's
sake; 1d3) those who anywhere, in a city, village, constitute such a
company and are united into one body; 1d4) the whole body of Christians
scattered throughout the earth; 1d5) the assembly of faithful Christians
already dead and received into heaven;

#1006 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#6, #10, #300, #70, #20, #600] /
#921 - FEME TOTAL: #192 as [#30, #5, #6, #300, #10, #70, #500] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be
delivered; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;

#1545 - MALE TOTAL: #469 as [#10, #70, #400, #4, #1, #10, #200, #40,
#800, #10] = Ioudaïsmós (G2454): {UMBRA: #1005 % #41 = #21} 1) the
Jewish faith and worship, religion of the Jews, Judaism;

#317 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#2, #5, #2, #8, #30, #70, #200] = bébēlos
(G952): {UMBRA: #317 % #41 = #30} 1) accessible, lawful to be trodden;
1a) of places; 2) profane; 2a) unhallowed, common, public place; 2b) of
men, *UNGODLY*;

#37 - 𝌪睟 = #211 / #373 / #488
COGITO: [#76, #46, #46, #66, #14] as #37 - PURITY (TS'UI)
RANGE: 02 to noon 06 JUNE


#1697 - MALE TOTAL: #373 as [#80, #30, #70, #400, #300, #10, #7, #800] =
ploutízō (G4148): {UMBRA: #1697 % #41 = #16} 1) to make rich, enrich;
1a) of spiritual riches; 2) to be richly furnished;

#481 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#10, #400, #5, #30, #30, #6] = hâlal
(H1984): {UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig.
of God's favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise,
boast, be boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) boastful ones,
boasters (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make a
boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;

#889 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#1, #30, #1, #7, #800, #50] = alazṓn (G213):
{UMBRA: #889 % #41 = #28} 1) an empty pretender, a boaster;

#616 - FEME TOTAL: #211 as [#70, #40, #100, #6, #400] = ʻâmôq (H6013):
{UMBRA: #210 % #41 = #5} 1) deep, *MYSTERIOUS*, depths; 1a) deep; 1b)

#778 - FEME TOTAL: #211 as [#2, #40, #300, #20, #10, #400, #6] =
maskîyth (H4906): {UMBRA: #770 % #41 = #32} 1) show-piece, figure,
imagination, image, idol, picture; 1a) show-piece, carved figure (of
idols); 1b) imagination, *CONCEIT*;

#182 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#1, #50, #70, #40, #10, #1, #10] = anomía
(G458): {UMBRA: #172 % #41 = #8} 1) the condition of without law; 1a)
because ignorant of it; 1b) because of violating it; 2) contempt and
violation of law, iniquity, wickedness;

#778 - FEME TOTAL: #373 as [#80, #70, #50, #8, #100, #70, #400] =
ponērós (G4190): {UMBRA: #578 % #41 = #4} 1) full of labours,
annoyances, hardships; 1a) pressed and harassed by labours; 1b) bringing
toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith
and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble; 2) bad, of a bad nature or
condition; 2a) in a physical sense: diseased or *BLIND*; 2b) in an
ethical sense: evil wicked, bad;

#327 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#30, #1, #200, #90, #6] = ʼerets (H776):
{UMBRA: #291 % #41 = #4} 1) land, earth; 1a) earth; 1a1) whole earth (as
opposed to a part); 1a2) earth (as opposed to heaven); 1a3) earth
(inhabitants); 1b) land; 1b1) country, territory; 1b2) district, region;
1b3) tribal territory; 1b4) piece of ground; 1b5) land of Canaan,
*ISRAEL*; 1b6) inhabitants of land; 1b7) Sheol, land without return,
(under) world; 1b8) city (-state); 1c) ground, surface of the earth;
1c1) ground; 1c2) soil; 1d) (in phrases); 1d1) people of the land; 1d2)
space or distance of country (in measurements of distance); 1d3) level
or plain country; 1d4) land of the living; 1d5) end(s) of the earth; 1e)
(almost wholly late in usage); 1e1) lands, countries; i) often in
contrast to Canaan;

#654 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#30, #3, #6, #10, #5, #600] = gôwy (H1471):
{UMBRA: #19 % #41 = #19} 1) *NATION*, *PEOPLE*; 1a) nation, people; 1a1)
usually of non-Hebrew people; 1a2) of descendants of Abraham; 1a3) of
Israel; 1b) of swarm of locusts, other animals (fig.); 1c) Goyim? =

#566 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#10, #300, #200, #6, #50] = Yᵉshurûwn
(H3484): {UMBRA: #566 % #41 = #33} 0) Jeshurun = 'upright one'; 1) *A*

#407 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#1, #6, #300, #10, #70, #20] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be
delivered; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;

#48 - 𝌵禮 = #222 / #384 / #499
COGITO: [#57, #77, #58, #32, #8] as #48 - RITUAL (LI)
RANGE: noon 21 to 25 JULY


#1734 - MALE TOTAL: #499 as [#1, #80, #70, #20, #1, #300, #1, #30, #30,
#1, #200, #200, #800] = apokatallássō (G604): {UMBRA: #1734 % #41 = #12}
1) *TO* *RECONCILE* *COMPLETELY*; 2) to reconcile back again; 3) bring
back a former state of harmony;

#388 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#40, #300, #30, #10, #8] = shâlach (H7971):
{UMBRA: #338 % #41 = #10} 1) to send, send away, let go, stretch out;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to send; 1a2) to stretch out, extend, direct; 1a3) to
send away; 1a4) to let loose; 1b) (Niphal) to be sent; 1c) (Piel); 1c1)
to send off or away or out or forth, dismiss, give over, cast out; 1c2)
to let go, set free; 1c3) to shoot forth (of branches); 1c4) to let
down; 1c5) to shoot; 1d) (Pual) to be sent off, be put away, be
divorced, be impelled; 1e) (Hiphil) to send;

#1113 - FEME TOTAL: #222 as [#3, #70, #30, #400, #10, #600] = gâʻal
(H1602): {UMBRA: #103 % #41 = #21} 1) to abhor, loathe, be vilely cast
away, fall; 1a) (Qal) to abhor, loathe; 1b) (Niphal) to be defiled; 1c)
(Hiphil) to reject as loathsome, show aversion;

#1275 - FEME TOTAL: #222 as [#5, #200, #70, #400, #600] = râʻaʻ (H7489):
{UMBRA: #340 % #41 = #12} 1) to be bad, be evil; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be
displeasing; 1a2) to be sad; 1a3) to be injurious, be evil; 1a4) to be
wicked, be evil (ethically); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to do an injury or hurt;
1b2) to do evil or wickedly; 1b3) mischief (participle); 1c) to break,
shatter; 1c1) (Qal); i) to break; ii) broken (participle); iii) *TO*
*BE* *BROKEN*; 1c2) (Hithpolel) to be broken, be broken in pieces, be
broken asunder;

#2733 - MALE TOTAL: #499 as [#400, #700, #8, #30, #70, #500, #100, #70,
#50, #5, #800] = hypsēlophronéō (G5309): {UMBRA: #2733 % #41 = #27} 1)
to be *HIGH* *MINDED*, proud;

#222 - FEME TOTAL: #222 as [#1, #50, #70, #40, #10, #1, #50] = anomía
(G458): {UMBRA: #172 % #41 = #8} 1) the condition of without law; 1a)
because ignorant of it; 1b) because of violating it; 2) contempt and
violation of law, iniquity, wickedness;

#371 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#20, #1, #200, #90, #20, #40] = ʼerets
(H776): {UMBRA: #291 % #41 = #4} 1) land, earth; 1a) earth; 1a1) whole
earth (as opposed to a part); 1a2) earth (as opposed to heaven); 1a3)
earth (inhabitants); 1b) land; 1b1) country, territory; 1b2) district,
region; 1b3) tribal territory; 1b4) piece of ground; 1b5) land of
Canaan, *ISRAEL*; 1b6) inhabitants of land; 1b7) Sheol, land without
return, (under) world; 1b8) city (-state); 1c) ground, surface of the
earth; 1c1) ground; 1c2) soil; 1d) (in phrases); 1d1) people of the
land; 1d2) space or distance of country (in measurements of distance);
1d3) level or plain country; 1d4) land of the living; 1d5) end(s) of the
earth; 1e) (almost wholly late in usage); 1e1) lands, countries; i)
often in contrast to Canaan;

#1225 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#300, #5, #20, #50, #800, #50] = téknon
(G5043): {UMBRA: #495 % #41 = #3} 1) offspring, children; 1a) child;
1a1) a male child, a son; 1b) metaph.; 1b1) the name transferred to that
intimate and reciprocal relationship formed between men by the bonds of
love, friendship, trust, just as between parents and children; 1b2) in
affectionate address, such as patrons, helpers, teachers and the like
employ: my child; 1b3) in the NT, pupils or disciples are called
children of their teachers, because the latter by their instruction
nourish the minds of their pupils and mould their characters; 1b4)
*CHILDREN* *OF* *GOD*: in the OT of 'the people of Israel' as especially
dear to God, in the NT, in Paul's writings, all who are led by the
Spirit of God and thus closely related to God; 1b5) children of the
devil: those who in thought and action are prompted by the devil, and so
reflect his character; 1c) metaph.; 1c1) of anything who depends upon
it, is possessed by a desire or affection for it, is addicted to it;
1c2) one who is liable to any fate; i) thus children of a city: it
citizens and inhabitants; 1c3) *THE* *VOTARIES* *OF* *WISDOM*, those
souls who have, as it were, been nurtured and moulded by wisdom; 1c4)
cursed children, exposed to a curse and doomed to God's wrath or penalty;

#2038 - FEME TOTAL: #499 as [#80, #100, #70, #200, #8, #30, #400, #300,
#800, #50] = prosḗlytos (G4339): {UMBRA: #1458 % #41 = #23} 1) a
newcomer; 1a) a stranger, alien; 2) a proselyte; 2a) one who has come
over from a Gentile religion to Judaism;

#951 - FEME TOTAL: #222 as [#10, #300, #200, #1, #30, #10, #400] =
Yisrᵉʼêlîyth (H3482): {UMBRA: #951 % #41 = #8} 0) Israelitess = see
Israel 'God prevails'; 1) a female descendant or inhabitant of the

#466 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#40, #6, #300, #10, #70, #40] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) ] = yâshaʻ (H3467): {UMBRA: #380 %
#41 = #11} 1) 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;

#1013 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#1, #200, #5, #2, #5, #800] = asebéō
(G764): {UMBRA: #1013 % #41 = #29} 1) to be *UNGODLY*, act impiously;

#12 - 𝌑童 = #186 / #348 / #463
COGITO: [#6, #53, #70, #69, #59] as #12 - YOUTHFULNESS (T'UNG)
RANGE: noon 09 to 13 FEBRUARY


#915 - FEME TOTAL: #186 as [#5, #20, #80, #200, #10, #600] = kâphar
(H3722): {UMBRA: #300 % #41 = #13} 1) to cover, purge, make an
atonement, *MAKE* *RECONCILIATION*, cover over with pitch; 1a) (Qal) to
coat or cover with pitch; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to cover over, pacify,
propitiate; 1b2) to cover over, atone for sin, make atonement for; 1b3)
to cover over, atone for sin and persons by legal rites; 1c) (Pual);
1c1) to be covered over; 1c2) to make atonement for; 1d) (Hithpael) to
be covered;

#591 - FEME TOTAL: #186 as [#200, #1, #100, #20, #70, #200] = sárx
(G4561): {UMBRA: #361 % #41 = #33} 1) *FLESH* (the soft substance of the
living body, which covers the bones and is permeated with blood) of both
man and beasts; 2) the body; 2a) the body of a man; 2b) used of natural
or physical origin, generation or relationship; 2b1) born of natural
generation; 2c) the sensuous nature of man, 'the animal nature'; 2c1)
without any suggestion of depravity; 2c2) the animal nature with
cravings which incite to sin; 2c3) the physical nature of man as subject
to suffering; 2d) a living creature (because possessed of a body of
flesh) whether man or beast; 2e) the flesh, denotes mere human nature,
the earthly nature of man apart from divine influence, and therefore
prone to sin and opposed to God;

#967 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#100, #10, #7, #800, #50] = rhíza (G4491):
{UMBRA: #118 % #41 = #36} 1) a *ROOT*; 2) that which like a root springs
from a root, a sprout, shoot; 3) metaph. offspring, progeny;

#370 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#5, #300, #30, #10, #20, #5] = shâlak
(H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl, fling; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed, cast down;
1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown, be cast;
1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be cast

#384 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#6, #40, #300, #30, #8] /
#774 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#6, #300, #30, #8, #400, #10, #20] = shâlach
(H7971): {UMBRA: #338 % #41 = #10} 1) to send, send away, let go,
stretch out; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to send; 1a2) to stretch out, extend,
direct; 1a3) to send away; 1a4) to let loose; 1b) (Niphal) to be sent;
1c) (Piel); 1c1) to send off or away or out or forth, dismiss, give
over, cast out; 1c2) to let go, set free; 1c3) to shoot forth (of
branches); 1c4) to let down; 1c5) to shoot; 1d) (Pual) to be sent off,
be put away, be divorced, be impelled; 1e) (Hiphil) to send;

#2616 - FEME TOTAL: #348 as [#300, #5, #300, #400, #500, #800, #300, #1,
#10] = typhóō (G5187): {UMBRA: #2070 % #41 = #20} 1) to raise a smoke,
to wrap in a mist; 1a) metaph.; 1a1) to make proud, puff up with pride,
render insolent; 1a2) to be puffed up with haughtiness or pride; 1b) to
*BLIND* with pride or *CONCEIT*, to render foolish or stupid; 1b1)
beclouded, besotted;

#1158 - FEME TOTAL: #348 as [#80, #70, #50, #8, #100, #800, #50] =
ponērós (G4190): {UMBRA: #578 % #41 = #4} 1) full of labours,
annoyances, hardships; 1a) pressed and harassed by labours; 1b) bringing
toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith
and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble; 2) bad, of a bad nature or
condition; 2a) in a physical sense: diseased or *BLIND*; 2b) in an
ethical sense: evil wicked, bad;

#1393 - MALE TOTAL: #463 as [#80, #1, #300, #100, #10, #1, #100, #600,
#1, #200] = patriárchēs (G3966): {UMBRA: #1400 % #41 = #6} 1) patriarch,
founder of a tribe, progenitor; 1a) of the twelve sons of Jacob,
founders of the tribes of Israel; 1b) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;

#317 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#6, #1, #200, #90, #20] = ʼerets (H776):
{UMBRA: #291 % #41 = #4} 1) land, earth; 1a) earth; 1a1) whole earth (as
opposed to a part); 1a2) earth (as opposed to heaven); 1a3) earth
(inhabitants); 1b) land; 1b1) country, territory; 1b2) district, region;
1b3) tribal territory; 1b4) piece of ground; 1b5) land of Canaan,
*ISRAEL*; 1b6) inhabitants of land; 1b7) Sheol, land without return,
(under) world; 1b8) city (-state); 1c) ground, surface of the earth;
1c1) ground; 1c2) soil; 1d) (in phrases); 1d1) people of the land; 1d2)
space or distance of country (in measurements of distance); 1d3) level
or plain country; 1d4) land of the living; 1d5) end(s) of the earth; 1e)
(almost wholly late in usage); 1e1) lands, countries; i) often in
contrast to Canaan;

#996 - FEME TOTAL: #186 as [#10, #6, #300, #10, #70, #600] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;

#71 - 𝍌止 = #245 / #407 / #522
COGITO: [#80, #24, #34, #74, #64] as #71 - STOPPAGE (CHIH)
RANGE: 02 to noon 06 NOVEMBER


#245 - FEME TOTAL: #245 as [#30, #5, #20, #70, #60, #50, #10] = kaʻaç
(H3707): {UMBRA: #150 % #41 = #27} 1) to be angry, be vexed, be
indignant, be wroth, be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to be vexed, be indignant; 1a2) to be angry; 1b) (Piel) to provoke
to anger; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to vex; 1c2) to vex, provoke to anger;

#356 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#6, #50, #20, #80, #200] = kâphar (H3722):
{UMBRA: #300 % #41 = #13} 1) to cover, purge, make an atonement, make
reconciliation, cover over with pitch; 1a) (Qal) to coat or cover with
pitch; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to cover over, pacify, propitiate; 1b2) to cover
over, atone for sin, make atonement for; 1b3) to cover over, atone for
sin and persons by legal rites; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be covered over;
1c2) to make atonement for; 1d) (Hithpael) to be covered;

#523 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#5, #3, #5, #100, #200, #10, #200] = égersis
(G1454): {UMBRA: #523 % #41 = #31} 1) a rousing, excitation; 2) a rising

#974 - FEME TOTAL: #245 as [#1, #3, #50, #70, #800, #50] = agnoéō (G50):
{UMBRA: #929 % #41 = #27} 1) *TO* *BE* *IGNORANT*, not to know; 2) not
to understand, unknown; 3) to err or sin through mistake, to be wrong;

#978 - MALE TOTAL: #407 as [#80, #70, #50, #8, #100, #70, #400, #200] =
ponērós (G4190): {UMBRA: #578 % #41 = #4} 1) full of labours,
annoyances, hardships; 1a) pressed and harassed by labours; 1b) bringing
toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith
and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble; 2) bad, of a bad nature or
condition; 2a) in a physical sense: diseased or *BLIND*; 2b) in an
ethical sense: evil wicked, bad;

#481 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#1, #30, #40, #400, #10] = ʼălummâh (H485):
{UMBRA: #76 % #41 = #35} 1) sheaf (as something bound); 1a) of *ISRAEL*

298 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#6, #5, #70, #2, #200, #10, #5] = ʻIbrîy
(H5680): {UMBRA: #282 % #41 = #36} 0) Hebrew = 'one from beyond'; 1) a
designation of the patriarchs and the Israelites; 2) a *DESIGNATION*

#447 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#6, #5, #6, #300, #70, #50, #10] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be
delivered; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;

"Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing
of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness? For I
speak to you Gentiles (ie. #65 - MARS: SOLDIER / #175 - VENUS: MARRY;
gennáō (G1080): BIRTH TO CHILDREN), inasmuch as I am the *APOSTLE* of
the Gentiles, I magnify mine *OFFICE*-G1248: If by any means I may
*PROVOKE* to emulation them which are my *FLESH*-G4561, and might save
some of them.

For if the *CASTING* *AWAY* of them be the *RECONCILING* of the world,
what shall the receiving of them be, but *LIFE* *FROM* *THE* *DEAD*? For
if the *FIRSTFRUIT*-G536 be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the
*ROOT*-G4491 be holy, so are the FEME: #239 = kládos (G2798):
*BRANCHES*. And if some of the FEME: #239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*
be *BROKEN* off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert *GRAFTED*-G1461
in among them, and with them partakest of the *ROOT*-G4491 and fatness
of the *OLIVE* *TREE*;

*BOAST* not against the FEME: #239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*. But if
thou *BOAST*, thou bearest not the *ROOT*-G4491, but the *ROOT*-G4491
thee. Thou wilt say then, The FEME: #239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*
were *BROKEN* off, that I might be *GRAFTED*-G1461 in. Well; because of
unbelief they were *BROKEN* off, and thou standest by faith. Be not
*HIGH* *MINDED*-G5309, but fear: For if God spared not the natural FEME:
#239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell,
severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness:
otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. And they also, if they abide not
still in unbelief, shall be *GRAFTED*-G1461 in: for God is able to
*GRAFT*-G1461 them in again.

For if thou wert cut out of the *OLIVE* *TREE* which is wild by nature,
and wert *GRAFTED*-G1461 contrary to nature into a good *OLIVE* *TREE*:
how much more shall these, which be the natural FEME: #239 = kládos
(G2798): *BRANCHES*, be *GRAFTED*-G1461 into their own *OLIVE* *TREE*?

For I would not, *BRETHREN*-G80, that ye should be *IGNORANT*-G50 of
this *MYSTERY*, lest ye should be *WISE* in your own *CONCEITS*; that
*BLINDNESS* in part is happened to *ISRAEL*, until the fulness of the
Gentiles be come in. And so all *ISRAEL* shall be *SAVED*: as it is
written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away
*UNGODLINESS* from Jacob:" [Romans 11:12-26]

#1865 - FEME TOTAL: #245 as [#5, #400, #500, #100, #1, #9, #50, #800] =
euphraínō (G2165): {UMBRA: #1866 % #41 = #21} 1) to gladden, make
*JOYFUL*; 1a) to be glad, to be merry, to rejoice; 1b) to rejoice in, be
delighted with a thing;


-- ODE TO JOY --



#1442 - MALE TOTAL: #533 as [#20, #1, #300, #70, #10, #20, #70, #400,
#50, #300, #1, #200] = katoikéō (G2730): {UMBRA: #1226 % #41 = #37} 1)
to dwell, settle; 1a) metaph. divine powers, influences, etc., are said
to dwell in his soul, to pervade, prompt, govern it; 2) to dwell in,
inhabit; 2a) God is said to dwell in the temple, i.e. to be always
present for worshippers;

#1186 - FEME TOTAL: #214 as [#40, #10, #200, #6, #300, #30, #600] =
Yᵉrûwshâlaim (H3389): {UMBRA: #586 % #41 = #12} 0) Jerusalem = 'teaching
of peace'; 1) the chief city of Palestine and capital of the united
kingdom and the nation of Judah after the split;

#457 - FEME TOTAL: #214 as [#6, #10, #300, #40, #70, #1, #30] =
Yishmâʻêʼl (H3458): {UMBRA: #451 % #41 = #41} 0) Ishmael = 'God will
hear'; 1) son of Abraham and Sarah's handmaid Hagar and the progenitor
of the Arabian peoples; 2) son of Nethaniah and the murderer of
Gedaliah; 3) a Benjamite, one of the sons of Azel a descendant of Saul
through Meribbaal or Mephibosheth; 4) a Judaite, father of Zebadiah; 5)
a Judaite, son of Johanan and one of the captains who aided Jehoiada in
restoring Joash to the throne; 6) a priest of the family of Pashur with
a foreign wife whom he was forced to put away by Ezra;

#540 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#80, #100, #1, #3, #40, #1, #300, #5, #9,
#1] = pragmateía (G4230): {UMBRA: #541 % #41 = #8} 1) prosecution of any
affair; 1a) business, occupation;

#532 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #1, #10] /
#656 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #5, #50, #70, #10] /
#856 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #5, #50, #70, #10,
#200] = hēgéomai (G2233): {UMBRA: #137 % #41 = #14} 1) to lead; 1a) to
go before; 1b) to be a leader; 1b1) to rule, command; 1b2) to have
authority over; 1b3) a prince, of regal power, governor, viceroy, chief,
leading as respects influence, controlling in counsel, overseers or
leaders of the churches; 1b4) used of any kind of leader, chief,
commander; 1b5) the leader in speech, chief, spokesman; 1c) to consider,
deem, account, think;

#644 - DEME TOTAL: #250 as [#5, #40, #5, #30, #5, #300, #8, #200, #1,
#50] = meletáō (G3191): {UMBRA: #1181 % #41 = #33} 1) to care for,
attend to carefully, practise; 2) to meditate i.e. to devise, contrive;
2a) used of the Greeks of the meditative pondering and the practice of
orators and rhetoricians;

#665 - DEME TOTAL: #250 as [#200, #400, #7, #8, #50] = syzáō (G4800):
{UMBRA: #1408 % #41 = #14} 1) to live together with one; 1a) of physical
life on earth; 1b) to live a new life in union with Christ, i.e.
dedicated to God;

provided @ 0820 / 1324 HOURS several CASE STUDY NOTES to a number of
academics / cognitive scientists / oriental linguists on the topic
informal research deploying a specific neural linguistic pragma (ie.
Hebrew / Greek as continuum markers).

who is a psychologist and neuroscientist with research interests in
consciousness (eg: Minimal Phenomenal Experience), meditation, and
non-duality. He is the founding director of Non-duality Institute, an
independent center for the scientific research of Non-Dual Awareness to
which our discovery of "#174 - ANIMA / ANIMUS AND #336 - PERSONAL
UNCONSCIOUS COEFFICIENTS" is most pertinent to this paradigm as
different type of consciousness which tries to experience things before
human thought, before human labels and binaries have been applied to
them. It is a state of consciousness that realizes oneness or
non-duality. When an individual realizes non-dual awareness, what was
previously experienced as separation and dichotomy is found to no longer
exist. Non-dual awareness is a state of consciousness that rests in the
background of all conscious experiencing.

As a validating CASE STUDY to the COEFFICIENT HYPOTHESIS, we provided a
SYSTEMS ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY as a means for appraisal of MUNDANE #65 /
1022 HOURS ON 12 AUGUST 2024 making an assay observation with the
TEMPORAL HEURISTIC to an equivalent scenario as CCTV EVENT where "OTHER
PARTY B" is placed within a reciprocal situation and prevaricated (ie.
their self interest has a priority against a spontaneous need of others)
when reasonably asked to remove their vehicle because the resident
needed to get to work.





A revision of this document may be obtained from the following URL:


Revision Date: 14 August 2024
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2024-08-14 05:50:27 UTC
that makes this conflict particularly hard is the fact that the
ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN, the ISRAELI-ARAB conflict, is essentially a
conflict between two victims. Two victims of the same oppressor. EUROPE
(ie. #65 - MARS: SOLDIER / #175 - VENUS: CHRISTMAS (the Julian calendar
is currently 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar) --> PYTHAGOREAN #174
COEFFICIENT AS #71 - WORLDVIEW)--which colonised the ARAB world,
exploited it, humiliated it, trampled upon its culture, controlled it
and used it as an imperialistic playground--is the same EUROPE that
discriminated against the Jews, persecuted them, harassed them, and
finally mass-murdered them in an unprecedented crime of genocide.


#2092 = [#2, #3, #4, #7, #8, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18,
#20, #22, #23, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #33, #35, #36, #39, #40, #41,
#42, #45, #47, #48, #51, #53, #55, #56, #57, #59, #61, #64, #67, #68,
#69, #70, #72, #73, #75, #76, #77, #78, #79, #81]

yǐ (以): 1. so as to; in order to, 2. to use; to regard as, 3. to use; to
grasp, 4. according to, 5. because of, 6. on a certain date, 7. and; as
well as, 8. to rely on, 9. to regard, 10. to be able to, 11. to order;
to command, 12. further; moreover, 13. used after a verb, 14. very, 15.
already, 16. increasingly, 17. *A* *REASON*; *A* *CAUSE*, 18. *ISRAEL*,
19. Yi

#2092 as [#1, #100, #800, #40, #1, #300, #800, #50] = árōma (G759):
{UMBRA: #942 % #41 = #40} 1) *SPICE*, perfume;

Now you would think that two victims (eg: The Jews are in Israel because
there is no other country in the world that the Jews, as a people, as a
nation, could ever call home [similarly excepting for the AL AQSA MOSQUE
as intrinsic to identity] the Palestinians have tried unwillingly, to
live in other ARAB countries. They were rejected, sometimes even
humiliated and persecuted by the so-called ARAB family) would
immediately development between themselves a sense of solidarity (eg: 24
x 7 X 13 | 28 x 6 x 13 = #2184 as a DUOPOLY FOUNDATIONAL GATEWAY to a
of the worst conflicts are precisely the conflicts between two victims
of the same oppressor. [Amos OZ, 2002, How To Cure A Fanatic, pages 7, 15]

Post by dolf
CO-OPERATION AS KNOWLEDGE / INFORMATION (24 x 7 X 13 | 28 x 6 x 13 =
#2184) ECONOMY?
(c) 2024 Dolf Leendert Boek, Published: 14 August 2024
#709 - MALE TOTAL: #239 as [#6, #5, #2, #90, #200, #6, #400] = bâtsar
(H1219): {UMBRA: #292 % #41 = #5} 1) to gather, restrain, fence,
fortify, make inaccessible, enclose; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cut off; 1a2)
fortified, cut off, made inaccessible (pass participle); 1a3) *SECRETS*,
*MYSTERIES*, *INACCESSIBLE* *THINGS* (subst); 1b) (Niphal) to be
withheld; 1c) (Piel) to fortify;
According to Google translate this COMPASS [#52 - MEASURE (TU) / #60 -
(FA)] NOTION means #174 - guīgé (規格): SPECIFICATION; FORMAT; NORM;
STANDARD (ie. evidently c² = a² + b² was known to PYTHAGORAS at the time
of JEWISH Babylonian captivity) and given a contemporaneous Jewish
history of KING ARISTOBULUS I: 104-103 BCE to that of the CHINESE Tàichū
(太初): GRAND INCEPTION as TETRA #81 with a new moon 🌑 on 21 December
104 BCE (103 BCE with #0 CE) + 7 x 19 metonic lunar cycles = 30 AD and
the notion "MIDST OF THE WEEK" is a 3.5 year / 1274 day period (ie.
#379 = [#44, #30, #42, #77, #18, #37, #48, #12, #71]
#1513 - FEME TOTAL: #379 as [#80, #100, #70, #3, #50, #800, #200, #10,
#200] = prógnōsis (G4268): {UMBRA: #1513 % #41 = #37} 1) foreknowledge;
2) forethought, pre-arrangement;
#28     #13     #09     #59     #66     #79     #51     #44     #20
#50     #08     #19     #81     #58     #65     #43     #30     #15
#11     #77     #70     #42     #46     #35     #04     #27     #57
#75     #33     #53     #22     #02     #18     #68     #61     #37
#06     #72     #56     #34     #41     #48     #26     #10     #76
#45     #21     #14     #64     #80     #60     #29     #49     #07
#25     #55     #78     #47     #36     #40     #12     #05     #71
#67     #52     #39     #17     #24     #01     #63     #74     #32
#62     #38     #31     #03     #16     #23     #73     #69     #54
#75 - FAILURE (SHIH) [#6, #29, #40]
guīju (規矩): 1. a ruler; set square; literally *COMPASS* *AND* *SET*
*SQUARE*, 2. a rule; a standard, 3. upright; honest
Which is here exemplified as "COURSE-trochos of NATURE-genesis" [James
3:6] by #22 - RESISTANCE (KE) - 𝌛格 = #473 as [#3, #5, #50, #5, #200,
#10, #200] = génesis (G1078): {UMBRA: #473 % #41 = #22} 1) source,
origin; 1a) a book of one's lineage, i.e. in which his ancestry or
progeny are enumerated; 2) used of birth, nativity; 3) of that which
follows origin, viz. existence, life; 3a) the wheel of life (Jas 3:6),
other explain it, the wheel of human origin which as soon as men are
born begins to run, i.e. its course of life;
#44 - 𝌱竈 = #218 / #380 / #495
COGITO: [#36, #23, #43, #67, #28] as #44 - STOVE (TSAO)
RANGE: noon 03 to 07 JULY
#1546 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#400, #300, #40, #6, #200, #600] = shâmar
(H8104): {UMBRA: #540 % #41 = #7} 1) to keep, guard, observe, give heed;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to keep, have charge of; 1a2) to keep, guard, keep watch
and ward, protect, *SAVE* life; i) watch, watchman (participle); 1a3) to
watch for, wait for; 1a4) to watch, observe; 1a5) to keep, retain,
treasure up (in memory); 1a6) to keep (within bounds), restrain; 1a7)
*COMMANDS*), *PERFORM* (*VOW*); 1a8) to keep, preserve, protect; 1a9) to
keep, reserve; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be on one's guard, take heed, take
care, beware; 1b2) to keep oneself, refrain, abstain; 1b3) to be kept,
be guarded; 1c) (Piel) to keep, pay heed; 1d) (Hithpael) to keep oneself
{UMBRA: #417 % #41 = #7} 1) olive, olive tree; 1a) *OLIVE* *TREE*; 1b)
olives; 2) mountain facing Jerusalem on the east side;
#386 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #80, #200, #6, #90, #5] = pârats
(H6555): {UMBRA: #370 % #41 = #1} 1) to break through or down or over,
burst, breach; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to break or burst out (from womb or
enclosure); 1a2) to break through or down, make a breach in; 1a3) to
break into; 1a4) to break open; 1a5) to break up, break in pieces; 1a6)
to break out (violently) upon; 1a7) to break over (limits), increase;
1a8) to use violence; 1a9) to burst open; 1a10) to spread, distribute;
1b) (Niphal) to be *BROKEN* *THROUGH*; 1c) (Pual) to be broken down; 1d)
(Hithpael) to break away;
#704 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #3, #20, #5, #50, #300, #100, #10, #200,
#1, #10] = enkentrízō (G1461): {UMBRA: #1300 % #41 = #29} 1) to cut into
for the sake of inserting a scion; 2) to inoculate, ingraft, *GRAFT* *IN*;
#1271 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #9, #400, #40, #800, #9, #8] = thymóō
(G2373): {UMBRA: #1319 % #41 = #7} 1) to cause one to become incensed,
to provoke to anger; 2) to be wroth;
#1170 - MALE TOTAL: #366 as [#80, #1, #100, #70, #100, #3, #9, #7, #800]
= parorgízō (G3949): {UMBRA: #1171 % #41 = #23} 1) to rouse to wrath, to
provoke, exasperate, anger;
#1010 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#40, #400, #70, #300, #200] = ʻâshar
(H6238): {UMBRA: #570 % #41 = #37} 1) to be or become rich or wealthy,
enrich, pretend to be rich; 1a) (Qal) to be or become rich; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to make rich; 1b2) to gain riches; 1c) (Hithpael) to
enrich oneself, pretend to be rich;
#785 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #300, #30, #20, #400, #10, #20] = shâlak
(H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl, fling; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed, cast down;
1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown, be cast;
1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be cast
#981 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#200, #70, #500, #10, #1, #200] = sophía
(G4678): {UMBRA: #781 % #41 = #2} 1) wisdom, broad and full of
intelligence; used of the knowledge of very diverse matters; 1a) the
wisdom which belongs to men; 1a1) spec. the varied knowledge of things
human and divine, acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in
maxims and proverbs; 1a2) the science and learning; 1a3) the act of
interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice; 1a4) the
intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some mysterious
number or vision; 1a5) skill in the management of affairs; 1a6) devout
and proper prudence in intercourse with men not disciples of Christ,
skill and discretion in imparting Christian truth; 1a7) the knowledge
and practice of the requisites for godly and upright living; 1b) supreme
intelligence, such as belongs to God; 1b1) to Christ; 1b2) *THE*
#866 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#10, #200, #100, #1, #8, #30, #9, #300, #8,
#200] = Israēlítēs (G2475): {UMBRA: #867 % #41 = #6} 1) an Israelite,
one of the nation of *ISRAEL*, a name to be held in honour;
{UMBRA: #19 % #41 = #19} 1) nation, people; 1a) *NATION*, *PEOPLE*; 1a1)
usually of non-Hebrew people; 1a2) of descendants of Abraham; 1a3) of
Israel; 1b) of swarm of locusts, other animals (fig.); 1c) Goyim? =
#717 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#2, #5, #2, #8, #30, #70, #400, #200] =
bébēlos (G952): {UMBRA: #317 % #41 = #30} 1) accessible, lawful to be
trodden; 1a) of places; 2) profane; 2a) unhallowed, common, public
place; 2b) of men, *UNGODLY*;
#30 - 𝌣毅 = #204 / #366 / #481
COGITO: [#12, #27, #79, #79, #74] as #30 - BOLD RESOLUTION (YI)
RANGE: noon 01 to 05 MAY
#366 - FEME TOTAL: #204 as [#4, #10, #1, #20, #70, #50, #10, #1, #200] =
diakonía (G1248): {UMBRA: #166 % #41 = #2} 1) service, ministering, esp.
of those who execute the commands of others; 2) of those who by the
command of God proclaim and promote religion among men; 2a) of the
office of Moses; 2b) *OF* *THE* *OFFICE* *OF* *THE* *APOSTLES* *AND*
*ITS* *ADMINISTRATION*; 2c) of the office of prophets, evangelists,
elders etc.; 3) the ministration of those who render to others the
offices of Christian affection esp. those who help meet need by either
collecting or distributing of charities; 4) the office of the deacon in
the church; 5) the service of those who prepare and present food;
{UMBRA: #370 % #41 = #1} 1) to break through or down or over, burst,
breach; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to break or burst out (from womb or enclosure);
1a2) to break through or down, make a breach in; 1a3) to break into;
1a4) to break open; 1a5) to break up, break in pieces; 1a6) to break out
(violently) upon; 1a7) to break over (limits), increase; 1a8) to use
violence; 1a9) to burst open; 1a10) to spread, distribute; 1b) (Niphal)
to be *BROKEN* *THROUGH*; 1c) (Pual) to be broken down; 1d) (Hithpael)
to break away;
{UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's
favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise, boast, be
boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) *BOASTFUL* *ONES*,
*BOASTERS* (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make
a boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;
#78 - MALE TOTAL: #366 as [#6, #30, #20, #2, #6, #4, #10] = kâbôwd
(H3519): {UMBRA: #32 % #41 = #32} 1) glory, honour, glorious, abundance;
1a) abundance, riches; 1b) honour, splendour, glory; 1c) honour,
dignity; 1d) honour, reputation; 1e) honour, reverence, glory; 1f) glory;
{UMBRA: #89 % #41 = #7} 1) to thrust, push, drive, *CAST* *AWAY*, cast
out, expel, thrust away; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to thrust, push; 1a2) to drive
out, thrust out; 1a3) to depose;
#724 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#40, #50, #4, #10, #20, #600] = nâdâh
(H5077): {UMBRA: #59 % #41 = #18} 1) (Hiphil) exclude, drive away,
thrust aside; 2) (Piel) cast out, put away;
#372 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#6, #1, #300, #30, #10, #20, #5] = shâlak
(H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl, fling; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed, cast down;
1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown, be cast;
1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be cast
#1040 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#200, #70, #500, #70, #200] = sophós
(G4680): {UMBRA: #1040 % #41 = #15} 1) *WISE*; 1a) skilled, expert: of
artificers; 1b) wise, skilled in letters, cultivated, learned; 1b1) of
the Greek philosophers and orators; 1b2) of Jewish theologians; 1b3) of
Christian teachers; 1c) forming the best plans and using the best means
for their execution;
#950 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#6, #3, #1, #30, #400, #10, #500] = gâʼal
(H1350): {UMBRA: #34 % #41 = #34} 1) to redeem, act as kinsman-redeemer,
avenge, revenge, ransom, do the part of a kinsman; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
act as kinsman, do the part of next of kin, act as kinsman-redeemer; i)
by marrying brother's widow to beget a child for him, to redeem from
slavery, to redeem land, to exact vengeance; 1a2) to redeem (by
payment); 1a3) to redeem (with God as subject); i) individuals from
death; ii) Israel from Egyptian bondage; iii) *ISRAEL* *FROM* *EXILE*;
1a4) (Niphal); i) to redeem oneself; ii) to be redeemed;
#1662 - FEME TOTAL: #366 as [#80, #1, #300, #100, #10, #1, #100, #600,
#70, #400] = patriárchēs (G3966): {UMBRA: #1400 % #41 = #6} 1)
patriarch, founder of a tribe, progenitor; 1a) of the twelve sons of
Jacob, founders of the tribes of Israel; 1b) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;
#436 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#10, #6, #300, #10, #70, #40] /
#447 - FEME TOTAL: #204 as [#6, #5, #6, #300, #70, #50, #10] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;
#42 - 𝌯迎 = #216 / #378 / #493
COGITO: [#31, #21, #33, #80, #53] as #42 - GOING TO MEET (YING)
RANGE: noon 24 to 28 JUNE
#216 - FEME TOTAL: #216 as [#20, #70, #60, #6, #50, #10] = kaʻaç
(H3707): {UMBRA: #150 % #41 = #27} 1) to be angry, be vexed, be
indignant, be wroth, be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to be vexed, be indignant; 1a2) to be angry; 1b) (Piel) to provoke
to anger; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to vex; 1c2) to vex, provoke to anger;
#427 - MALE TOTAL: #378 as [#80, #100, #70, #20, #1, #30, #5, #70, #40,
#1, #10] = prokaléomai (G4292): {UMBRA: #427 % #41 = #17} 1) to call
forth; 2) to call forth to one's self; 2a) esp. to challenge to a combat
or contest with one; 3) to provoke, to irritate;
{UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3} 1) to scorn, make mouths at, talk arrogantly;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to boast; 1a2) to scorn; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to mock,
deride; 1b2) to interpret (language); i) interpreter (participle); ii)
ambassador (fig.); 1b3) (Hithpalpel) to be inflated, scoff, act as a
scorner, show oneself a mocker;
{UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's
favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise, boast, be
boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) *BOASTFUL* *ONES*,
*BOASTERS* (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make
a boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;
{UMBRA: #502 % #41 = #10} 1) to break, break in pieces; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
break, break in or down, rend violently, wreck, crush, quench; 1a2) to
break, rupture (fig); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be broken, be maimed, be
crippled, be wrecked; 1b2) *TO* *BE* *BROKEN*, be crushed (fig); 1c)
(Piel) to shatter, break; 1d) (Hiphil) to cause to break out, bring to
the birth; 1e) (Hophal) to be broken, be shattered;
#777 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #400, #300, #30, #10, #20, #5, #6] =
shâlak (H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl,
fling; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed,
cast down; 1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown,
be cast; 1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be
cast (metaph);
#721 - MALE TOTAL: #378 as [#2, #70, #400, #30, #5, #200, #9, #5] =
boúlomai (G1014): {UMBRA: #623 % #41 = #8} 1) to will deliberately, have
a purpose, be minded; 2) of willing as an affection, to desire;
#820 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#1, #4, #5, #30, #500, #70, #10, #200] =
adelphós (G80): {UMBRA: #810 % #41 = #31} 1) a brother, whether born of
the same two parents or only of the same father or mother; 2) having the
same national ancestor, belonging to the same people, or countryman; 3)
any fellow or man; 4) a fellow believer, united to another by the bond
of affection; 5) an associate in employment or office; 6) *BRETHREN*
*IN* *CHRIST*; 6a) his brothers by blood; 6b) all men; 6c) *APOSTLES*;
6d) Christians, as those who are exalted to the same heavenly place;
#621 - FEME TOTAL: #216 as [#70, #40, #10, #100, #400, #1] = ʻămîyq
(H5994): {UMBRA: #220 % #41 = #15} 1) deep; 2) deep things, *DEEP*
#2480 - MALE TOTAL: #493 as [#300, #5, #300, #400, #500, #800, #40, #5,
#50, #70, #10] = typhóō (G5187): {UMBRA: #2070 % #41 = #20} 1) to raise
a smoke, to wrap in a mist; 1a) metaph.; 1a1) to make proud, puff up
with pride, render insolent; 1a2) to be puffed up with haughtiness or
pride; 1b) to *BLIND* with pride or *CONCEIT*, to render foolish or
stupid; 1b1) beclouded, besotted;
{UMBRA: #308 % #41 = #21} 1) to go astray, stray, err; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to err, stray; 1a2) to swerve, meander, reel, roll, be intoxicated, err
(in drunkenness); 1a3) to go astray (morally); 1a4) to commit sin of
*IGNORANCE* or inadvertence, err (ignorantly); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
lead astray; 1b2) to lead astray, mislead (mentally); 1b3) to lead
astray (morally);
{UMBRA: #300 % #41 = #13} 1) to form, fashion, frame; 1a) (Qal) to form,
fashion; 1a1) of human activity; 1a2) of divine activity; i) of
creation; 1) of original creation; 2) of individuals at conception; 3)
of Israel as a people; ii) to frame, pre-ordain, plan (fig. of divine)
purpose of a situation); 1a3) (Niphal) to be formed, be created; 1a4)
(Pual) to be predetermined, be pre-ordained; 1a5) (Hophal) to be formed;
#1107 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #400, #80, #1, #200, #400, #20] =
tiphʼârâh (H8597): {UMBRA: #686 % #41 = #30} 1) beauty, splendour,
glory; 1a) beauty, finery (of garments, jewels); 1b) glory; 1b1) of
rank, renown; 1b2) as attribute of God; 1c) honour (or nation Israel);
1d) glorying, boasting (of individual);
#437 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #5, #6, #300, #10, #70, #40] /
#1026 - FEME TOTAL: #216 as [#40, #6, #300, #10, #70, #600] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;
#77 - 𝍒馴 = #251 / #413 / #528
COGITO: [#47, #10, #50, #9, #9] as #77 - COMPLIANCE (HSUN)
#742 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#2, #50, #20, #60, #10, #600] = nekeç
(H5233): {UMBRA: #130 % #41 = #7} 1) riches, treasures;
#364 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#1, #30, #1, #7, #70, #50, #5, #200] =
alazṓn (G213): {UMBRA: #889 % #41 = #28} 1) an empty pretender, a boaster;
#656 - FEME TOTAL: #413 as [#1, #80, #70, #20, #1, #300, #8, #30, #30,
#1, #60, #5, #50] = apokatallássō (G604): {UMBRA: #1734 % #41 = #12} 1)
*TO* *RECONCILE* *COMPLETELY*; 2) to reconcile back again; 3) bring back
a former state of harmony;
#1014 - MALE TOTAL: #413 as [#1, #80, #70, #2, #1, #30, #30, #800] =
apobállō (G577): {UMBRA: #1014 % #41 = #30} 1) to throw off, *CAST* *AWAY*;
#818 - FEME TOTAL: #251 as [#2, #70, #400, #30, #5, #300, #1, #10] =
boúlomai (G1014): {UMBRA: #623 % #41 = #8} 1) to will deliberately, have
a purpose, be minded; 2) of willing as an affection, to desire;
#222 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#1, #50, #70, #40, #10, #1, #50] = anomía
(G458): {UMBRA: #172 % #41 = #8} 1) the condition of without law; 1a)
because ignorant of it; 1b) because of violating it; 2) contempt and
violation of law, iniquity, wickedness;
#980 - FEME TOTAL: #251 as [#70, #600, #30, #70, #10, #200] = óchlos
(G3793): {UMBRA: #970 % #41 = #27} 1) a crowd; 1a) a casual collection
of people; 1a1) a multitude of men who have flocked together in some
place; 1a2) a throng; 1b) a multitude; 1b1) the common people, as
opposed to the rulers and leading men; 1b2) with contempt: the ignorant
multitude, the populace; 1c) a multitude; 1c1) the multitudes, seems to
denote troops of people gathered together without order;
#402 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#10, #6, #300, #10, #70, #6] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;
#18 - 𝌗傒 = #192 / #354 / #469
COGITO: [#4, #24, #78, #71, #80] as #18 - WAITING (HSI)
RANGE: noon 08 to 12 MARCH
{UMBRA: #130 % #41 = #7} 1) riches, property;
#92 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#6, #10, #5, #30, #30, #6, #5] = hâlal
(H1984): {UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig.
of God's favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise,
boast, be boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) boastful ones,
boasters (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make a
boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;
#106 - MALE TOTAL: #354 as [#4, #10, #1, #30, #30, #1, #3, #8, #9, #10]
= diallássō (G1259): {UMBRA: #1276 % #41 = #5} 1) to change; 2) to
change the mind of anyone, to reconcile; 3) *TO* *BE* *RECONCILED*, to
renew friendship with one;
#840 - FEME TOTAL: #192 as [#1, #80, #1, #100, #600, #8, #50] = aparchḗ
(G536): {UMBRA: #790 % #41 = #11} 1) to offer firstlings or
*FIRSTFRUITS*; 2) to take away the firstfruits of the productions of the
earth which was offered to God. The first portion of the dough, from
which sacred loaves were to be prepared. Hence term used of persons
consecrated to God for all time.; 3) persons superior in excellence to
others of the same class;
{UMBRA: #800 % #41 = #21} 1) *ROOT*; 1a) root (literal); 1b) root (of
people involving firmness or permanence) (fig); 1c) root, bottom (as
lowest stratum) (fig);
{UMBRA: #359 % #41 = #31} 1) to leave, permit, forsake, cast off or
away, reject, suffer, join, spread out or abroad, be loosed, cease,
abandon, quit, hang loose, cast down, make a raid, lie fallow, let fall,
forgo, draw; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to leave, let alone, lie fallow, entrust
to; 1a2) to forsake, abandon; 1a3) to permit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
forsaken; 1b2) to be loosened, be loose; 1b3) to be let go, spread
abroad; 1c) (Pual) to be abandoned, be deserted;
{UMBRA: #1245 % #41 = #15} 1) to initiate into the mysteries; 2) to
teach fully, instruct; 2a) to accustom one to a thing; 2b) to give one
an intimate acquaintance with a thing;
#893 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#6, #5, #70, #2, #200, #10, #600] = ʻIbrîy
(H5680): {UMBRA: #282 % #41 = #36} 0) Hebrew = 'one from beyond'; 1) a
designation of the patriarchs and the *ISRAELITES*; 2) a designation of
the patriarchs and the Israelites;
#304 - MALE TOTAL: #354 as [#5, #20, #20, #30, #8, #200, #10, #1, #10] =
ekklēsía (G1577): {UMBRA: #294 % #41 = #7} 1) a gathering of citizens
called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly; 1a) an
assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for
the purpose of deliberating; 1b) the assembly of the Israelites; 1c) any
gathering or throng of men assembled by chance, tumultuously; 1d) in a
Christian sense; 1d1) an assembly of Christians gathered for worship in
a religious meeting; 1d2) a company of Christian, or of those who,
hoping for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own
religious rites, hold their own religious meetings, and manage their own
affairs, according to regulations prescribed for the body for order's
sake; 1d3) those who anywhere, in a city, village, constitute such a
company and are united into one body; 1d4) the whole body of Christians
scattered throughout the earth; 1d5) the assembly of faithful Christians
already dead and received into heaven;
#1006 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#6, #10, #300, #70, #20, #600] /
#921 - FEME TOTAL: #192 as [#30, #5, #6, #300, #10, #70, #500] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*;  1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be
delivered; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;
#1545 - MALE TOTAL: #469 as [#10, #70, #400, #4, #1, #10, #200, #40,
#800, #10] = Ioudaïsmós (G2454): {UMBRA: #1005 % #41 = #21} 1) the
Jewish faith and worship, religion of the Jews, Judaism;
#317 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#2, #5, #2, #8, #30, #70, #200] = bébēlos
(G952): {UMBRA: #317 % #41 = #30} 1) accessible, lawful to be trodden;
1a) of places; 2) profane; 2a) unhallowed, common, public place; 2b) of
men, *UNGODLY*;
#37 - 𝌪睟 = #211 / #373 / #488
COGITO: [#76, #46, #46, #66, #14] as #37 - PURITY (TS'UI)
RANGE: 02 to noon 06 JUNE
#1697 - MALE TOTAL: #373 as [#80, #30, #70, #400, #300, #10, #7, #800] =
ploutízō (G4148): {UMBRA: #1697 % #41 = #16} 1) to make rich, enrich;
1a) of spiritual riches; 2) to be richly furnished;
#481 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#10, #400, #5, #30, #30, #6] = hâlal
(H1984): {UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig.
of God's favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise,
boast, be boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) boastful ones,
boasters (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make a
boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;
{UMBRA: #889 % #41 = #28} 1) an empty pretender, a boaster;
{UMBRA: #210 % #41 = #5} 1) deep, *MYSTERIOUS*, depths; 1a) deep; 1b)
#778 - FEME TOTAL: #211 as [#2, #40, #300, #20, #10, #400, #6] =
maskîyth (H4906): {UMBRA: #770 % #41 = #32} 1) show-piece, figure,
imagination, image, idol, picture; 1a) show-piece, carved figure (of
idols); 1b) imagination, *CONCEIT*;
#182 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#1, #50, #70, #40, #10, #1, #10] = anomía
(G458): {UMBRA: #172 % #41 = #8} 1) the condition of without law; 1a)
because ignorant of it; 1b) because of violating it; 2) contempt and
violation of law, iniquity, wickedness;
#778 - FEME TOTAL: #373 as [#80, #70, #50, #8, #100, #70, #400] =
ponērós (G4190): {UMBRA: #578 % #41 = #4} 1) full of labours,
annoyances, hardships; 1a) pressed and harassed by labours; 1b) bringing
toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith
and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble; 2) bad, of a bad nature or
condition; 2a) in a physical sense: diseased or *BLIND*; 2b) in an
ethical sense: evil wicked, bad;
{UMBRA: #291 % #41 = #4} 1) land, earth; 1a) earth; 1a1) whole earth (as
opposed to a part); 1a2) earth (as opposed to heaven); 1a3) earth
(inhabitants); 1b) land; 1b1) country, territory; 1b2) district, region;
1b3) tribal territory; 1b4) piece of ground; 1b5) land of Canaan,
*ISRAEL*; 1b6) inhabitants of land; 1b7) Sheol, land without return,
(under) world; 1b8) city (-state); 1c) ground, surface of the earth;
1c1) ground; 1c2) soil; 1d) (in phrases); 1d1) people of the land; 1d2)
space or distance of country (in measurements of distance); 1d3) level
or plain country; 1d4) land of the living; 1d5) end(s) of the earth; 1e)
(almost wholly late in usage); 1e1) lands, countries; i) often in
contrast to Canaan;
{UMBRA: #19 % #41 = #19} 1) *NATION*, *PEOPLE*; 1a) nation, people; 1a1)
usually of non-Hebrew people; 1a2) of descendants of Abraham; 1a3) of
Israel; 1b) of swarm of locusts, other animals (fig.); 1c) Goyim? =
#566 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#10, #300, #200, #6, #50] = Yᵉshurûwn
(H3484): {UMBRA: #566 % #41 = #33} 0) Jeshurun = 'upright one'; 1) *A*
#407 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#1, #6, #300, #10, #70, #20] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*;  1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be
delivered; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;
#48 - 𝌵禮 = #222 / #384 / #499
COGITO: [#57, #77, #58, #32, #8] as #48 - RITUAL (LI)
RANGE: noon 21 to 25 JULY
#1734 - MALE TOTAL: #499 as [#1, #80, #70, #20, #1, #300, #1, #30, #30,
#1, #200, #200, #800] = apokatallássō (G604): {UMBRA: #1734 % #41 = #12}
1) *TO* *RECONCILE* *COMPLETELY*; 2) to reconcile back again; 3) bring
back a former state of harmony;
{UMBRA: #338 % #41 = #10} 1) to send, send away, let go, stretch out;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to send; 1a2) to stretch out, extend, direct; 1a3) to
send away; 1a4) to let loose; 1b) (Niphal) to be sent; 1c) (Piel); 1c1)
to send off or away or out or forth, dismiss, give over, cast out; 1c2)
to let go, set free; 1c3) to shoot forth (of branches); 1c4) to let
down; 1c5) to shoot; 1d) (Pual) to be sent off, be put away, be
divorced, be impelled; 1e) (Hiphil) to send;
#1113 - FEME TOTAL: #222 as [#3, #70, #30, #400, #10, #600] = gâʻal
(H1602): {UMBRA: #103 % #41 = #21} 1) to abhor, loathe, be vilely cast
away, fall; 1a) (Qal) to abhor, loathe; 1b) (Niphal) to be defiled; 1c)
(Hiphil) to reject as loathsome, show aversion;
{UMBRA: #340 % #41 = #12} 1) to be bad, be evil; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be
displeasing; 1a2) to be sad; 1a3) to be injurious, be evil; 1a4) to be
wicked, be evil (ethically); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to do an injury or hurt;
1b2) to do evil or wickedly; 1b3) mischief (participle); 1c) to break,
shatter; 1c1) (Qal); i) to break; ii) broken (participle); iii) *TO*
*BE* *BROKEN*; 1c2) (Hithpolel) to be broken, be broken in pieces, be
broken asunder;
#2733 - MALE TOTAL: #499 as [#400, #700, #8, #30, #70, #500, #100, #70,
#50, #5, #800] = hypsēlophronéō (G5309): {UMBRA: #2733 % #41 = #27} 1)
to be *HIGH* *MINDED*, proud;
#222 - FEME TOTAL: #222 as [#1, #50, #70, #40, #10, #1, #50] = anomía
(G458): {UMBRA: #172 % #41 = #8} 1) the condition of without law; 1a)
because ignorant of it; 1b) because of violating it; 2) contempt and
violation of law, iniquity, wickedness;
#371 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#20, #1, #200, #90, #20, #40] = ʼerets
(H776): {UMBRA: #291 % #41 = #4} 1) land, earth; 1a) earth; 1a1) whole
earth (as opposed to a part); 1a2) earth (as opposed to heaven); 1a3)
earth (inhabitants); 1b) land; 1b1) country, territory; 1b2) district,
region; 1b3) tribal territory; 1b4) piece of ground; 1b5) land of
Canaan, *ISRAEL*; 1b6) inhabitants of land; 1b7) Sheol, land without
return, (under) world; 1b8) city (-state); 1c) ground, surface of the
earth; 1c1) ground; 1c2) soil; 1d) (in phrases); 1d1) people of the
land; 1d2) space or distance of country (in measurements of distance);
1d3) level or plain country; 1d4) land of the living; 1d5) end(s) of the
earth; 1e) (almost wholly late in usage); 1e1) lands, countries; i)
often in contrast to Canaan;
#1225 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#300, #5, #20, #50, #800, #50] = téknon
(G5043): {UMBRA: #495 % #41 = #3} 1) offspring, children; 1a) child;
1a1) a male child, a son; 1b) metaph.; 1b1) the name transferred to that
intimate and reciprocal relationship formed between men by the bonds of
love, friendship, trust, just as between parents and children; 1b2) in
affectionate address, such as patrons, helpers, teachers and the like
employ: my child; 1b3) in the NT, pupils or disciples are called
children of their teachers, because the latter by their instruction
nourish the minds of their pupils and mould their characters; 1b4)
*CHILDREN* *OF* *GOD*: in the OT of 'the people of Israel' as especially
dear to God, in the NT, in Paul's writings, all who are led by the
Spirit of God and thus closely related to God; 1b5) children of the
devil: those who in thought and action are prompted by the devil, and so
reflect his character; 1c) metaph.; 1c1) of anything who depends upon
it, is possessed by a desire or affection for it, is addicted to it;
1c2) one who is liable to any fate; i) thus children of a city: it
citizens and inhabitants; 1c3) *THE* *VOTARIES* *OF* *WISDOM*, those
souls who have, as it were, been nurtured and moulded by wisdom; 1c4)
cursed children, exposed to a curse and doomed to God's wrath or penalty;
#2038 - FEME TOTAL: #499 as [#80, #100, #70, #200, #8, #30, #400, #300,
#800, #50] = prosḗlytos (G4339): {UMBRA: #1458 % #41 = #23} 1) a
newcomer; 1a) a stranger, alien; 2) a proselyte; 2a) one who has come
over from a Gentile religion to Judaism;
#951 - FEME TOTAL: #222 as [#10, #300, #200, #1, #30, #10, #400] =
Yisrᵉʼêlîyth (H3482): {UMBRA: #951 % #41 = #8} 0) Israelitess = see
Israel 'God prevails'; 1) a female descendant or inhabitant of the
#466 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#40, #6, #300, #10, #70, #40] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) ] = yâshaʻ (H3467): {UMBRA: #380 %
#41 = #11} 1)  1a) (Niphal); 1a1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;
#1013 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#1, #200, #5, #2, #5, #800] = asebéō
(G764): {UMBRA: #1013 % #41 = #29} 1) to be *UNGODLY*, act impiously;
#12 - 𝌑童 = #186 / #348 / #463
COGITO: [#6, #53, #70, #69, #59] as #12 - YOUTHFULNESS (T'UNG)
RANGE: noon 09 to 13 FEBRUARY
#915 - FEME TOTAL: #186 as [#5, #20, #80, #200, #10, #600] = kâphar
(H3722): {UMBRA: #300 % #41 = #13} 1) to cover, purge, make an
atonement, *MAKE* *RECONCILIATION*, cover over with pitch; 1a) (Qal) to
coat or cover with pitch; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to cover over, pacify,
propitiate; 1b2) to cover over, atone for sin, make atonement for; 1b3)
to cover over, atone for sin and persons by legal rites; 1c) (Pual);
1c1) to be covered over; 1c2) to make atonement for; 1d) (Hithpael) to
be covered;
#591 - FEME TOTAL: #186 as [#200, #1, #100, #20, #70, #200] = sárx
(G4561): {UMBRA: #361 % #41 = #33} 1) *FLESH* (the soft substance of the
living body, which covers the bones and is permeated with blood) of both
man and beasts; 2) the body; 2a) the body of a man; 2b) used of natural
or physical origin, generation or relationship; 2b1) born of natural
generation; 2c) the sensuous nature of man, 'the animal nature'; 2c1)
without any suggestion of depravity; 2c2) the animal nature with
cravings which incite to sin; 2c3) the physical nature of man as subject
to suffering; 2d) a living creature (because possessed of a body of
flesh) whether man or beast; 2e) the flesh, denotes mere human nature,
the earthly nature of man apart from divine influence, and therefore
prone to sin and opposed to God;
{UMBRA: #118 % #41 = #36} 1) a *ROOT*; 2) that which like a root springs
from a root, a sprout, shoot; 3) metaph. offspring, progeny;
#370 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#5, #300, #30, #10, #20, #5] = shâlak
(H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl, fling; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed, cast down;
1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown, be cast;
1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be cast
#384 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#6, #40, #300, #30, #8] /
#774 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#6, #300, #30, #8, #400, #10, #20] = shâlach
(H7971): {UMBRA: #338 % #41 = #10} 1) to send, send away, let go,
stretch out; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to send; 1a2) to stretch out, extend,
direct; 1a3) to send away; 1a4) to let loose; 1b) (Niphal) to be sent;
1c) (Piel); 1c1) to send off or away or out or forth, dismiss, give
over, cast out; 1c2) to let go, set free; 1c3) to shoot forth (of
branches); 1c4) to let down; 1c5) to shoot; 1d) (Pual) to be sent off,
be put away, be divorced, be impelled; 1e) (Hiphil) to send;
#2616 - FEME TOTAL: #348 as [#300, #5, #300, #400, #500, #800, #300, #1,
#10] = typhóō (G5187): {UMBRA: #2070 % #41 = #20} 1) to raise a smoke,
to wrap in a mist; 1a) metaph.; 1a1) to make proud, puff up with pride,
render insolent; 1a2) to be puffed up with haughtiness or pride; 1b) to
*BLIND* with pride or *CONCEIT*, to render foolish or stupid; 1b1)
beclouded, besotted;
#1158 - FEME TOTAL: #348 as [#80, #70, #50, #8, #100, #800, #50] =
ponērós (G4190): {UMBRA: #578 % #41 = #4} 1) full of labours,
annoyances, hardships; 1a) pressed and harassed by labours; 1b) bringing
toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith
and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble; 2) bad, of a bad nature or
condition; 2a) in a physical sense: diseased or *BLIND*; 2b) in an
ethical sense: evil wicked, bad;
#1393 - MALE TOTAL: #463 as [#80, #1, #300, #100, #10, #1, #100, #600,
#1, #200] = patriárchēs (G3966): {UMBRA: #1400 % #41 = #6} 1) patriarch,
founder of a tribe, progenitor; 1a) of the twelve sons of Jacob,
founders of the tribes of Israel; 1b) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;
{UMBRA: #291 % #41 = #4} 1) land, earth; 1a) earth; 1a1) whole earth (as
opposed to a part); 1a2) earth (as opposed to heaven); 1a3) earth
(inhabitants); 1b) land; 1b1) country, territory; 1b2) district, region;
1b3) tribal territory; 1b4) piece of ground; 1b5) land of Canaan,
*ISRAEL*; 1b6) inhabitants of land; 1b7) Sheol, land without return,
(under) world; 1b8) city (-state); 1c) ground, surface of the earth;
1c1) ground; 1c2) soil; 1d) (in phrases); 1d1) people of the land; 1d2)
space or distance of country (in measurements of distance); 1d3) level
or plain country; 1d4) land of the living; 1d5) end(s) of the earth; 1e)
(almost wholly late in usage); 1e1) lands, countries; i) often in
contrast to Canaan;
#996 - FEME TOTAL: #186 as [#10, #6, #300, #10, #70, #600] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;
#71 - 𝍌止 = #245 / #407 / #522
COGITO: [#80, #24, #34, #74, #64] as #71 - STOPPAGE (CHIH)
RANGE: 02 to noon 06 NOVEMBER
#245 - FEME TOTAL: #245 as [#30, #5, #20, #70, #60, #50, #10] = kaʻaç
(H3707): {UMBRA: #150 % #41 = #27} 1) to be angry, be vexed, be
indignant, be wroth, be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to be vexed, be indignant; 1a2) to be angry; 1b) (Piel) to provoke
to anger; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to vex; 1c2) to vex, provoke to anger;
{UMBRA: #300 % #41 = #13} 1) to cover, purge, make an atonement, make
reconciliation, cover over with pitch; 1a) (Qal) to coat or cover with
pitch; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to cover over, pacify, propitiate; 1b2) to cover
over, atone for sin, make atonement for; 1b3) to cover over, atone for
sin and persons by legal rites; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be covered over;
1c2) to make atonement for; 1d) (Hithpael) to be covered;
#523 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#5, #3, #5, #100, #200, #10, #200] = égersis
(G1454): {UMBRA: #523 % #41 = #31} 1) a rousing, excitation; 2) a rising
{UMBRA: #929 % #41 = #27} 1) *TO* *BE* *IGNORANT*, not to know; 2) not
to understand, unknown; 3) to err or sin through mistake, to be wrong;
#978 - MALE TOTAL: #407 as [#80, #70, #50, #8, #100, #70, #400, #200] =
ponērós (G4190): {UMBRA: #578 % #41 = #4} 1) full of labours,
annoyances, hardships; 1a) pressed and harassed by labours; 1b) bringing
toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith
and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble; 2) bad, of a bad nature or
condition; 2a) in a physical sense: diseased or *BLIND*; 2b) in an
ethical sense: evil wicked, bad;
{UMBRA: #76 % #41 = #35} 1) sheaf (as something bound); 1a) of *ISRAEL*
298 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#6, #5, #70, #2, #200, #10, #5] = ʻIbrîy
(H5680): {UMBRA: #282 % #41 = #36} 0) Hebrew = 'one from beyond'; 1) a
designation of the patriarchs and the Israelites; 2) a *DESIGNATION*
#447 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#6, #5, #6, #300, #70, #50, #10] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*;  1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be
delivered; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;
"Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing
of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness? For I
speak to you Gentiles (ie. #65 - MARS: SOLDIER / #175 - VENUS: MARRY;
gennáō (G1080): BIRTH TO CHILDREN), inasmuch as I am the *APOSTLE* of
the Gentiles, I magnify mine *OFFICE*-G1248: If by any means I may
*PROVOKE* to emulation them which are my *FLESH*-G4561, and might save
some of them.
For if the *CASTING* *AWAY* of them be the *RECONCILING* of the world,
what shall the receiving of them be, but *LIFE* *FROM* *THE* *DEAD*? For
if the *FIRSTFRUIT*-G536 be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the
*BRANCHES*. And if some of the FEME: #239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*
be *BROKEN* off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert *GRAFTED*-G1461
in among them, and with them partakest of the *ROOT*-G4491 and fatness
of the *OLIVE* *TREE*;
*BOAST* not against the FEME: #239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*. But if
thou *BOAST*, thou bearest not the *ROOT*-G4491, but the *ROOT*-G4491
thee. Thou wilt say then, The FEME: #239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*
were *BROKEN* off, that I might be *GRAFTED*-G1461 in. Well; because of
unbelief they were *BROKEN* off, and thou standest by faith. Be not
#239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell,
otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. And they also, if they abide not
still in unbelief, shall be *GRAFTED*-G1461 in: for God is able to
*GRAFT*-G1461 them in again.
For if thou wert cut out of the *OLIVE* *TREE* which is wild by nature,
how much more shall these, which be the natural FEME: #239 = kládos
(G2798): *BRANCHES*, be *GRAFTED*-G1461 into their own *OLIVE* *TREE*?
For I would not, *BRETHREN*-G80, that ye should be *IGNORANT*-G50 of
this *MYSTERY*, lest ye should be *WISE* in your own  *CONCEITS*; that
*BLINDNESS* in part is happened to *ISRAEL*, until the fulness of the
Gentiles be come in. And so all *ISRAEL* shall be *SAVED*: as it is
written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away
*UNGODLINESS* from Jacob:" [Romans 11:12-26]
#1865 - FEME TOTAL: #245 as [#5, #400, #500, #100, #1, #9, #50, #800] =
euphraínō (G2165): {UMBRA: #1866 % #41 = #21} 1) to gladden, make
*JOYFUL*; 1a) to be glad, to be merry, to rejoice; 1b) to rejoice in, be
delighted with a thing;
-- ODE TO JOY --
#1442 - MALE TOTAL: #533 as [#20, #1, #300, #70, #10, #20, #70, #400,
#50, #300, #1, #200] = katoikéō (G2730): {UMBRA: #1226 % #41 = #37} 1)
to dwell, settle; 1a) metaph. divine powers, influences, etc., are said
to dwell in his soul, to pervade, prompt, govern it; 2) to dwell in,
inhabit; 2a) God is said to dwell in the temple, i.e. to be always
present for worshippers;
#1186 - FEME TOTAL: #214 as [#40, #10, #200, #6, #300, #30, #600] =
Yᵉrûwshâlaim (H3389): {UMBRA: #586 % #41 = #12} 0) Jerusalem = 'teaching
of peace'; 1) the chief city of Palestine and capital of the united
kingdom and the nation of Judah after the split;
#457 - FEME TOTAL: #214 as [#6, #10, #300, #40, #70, #1, #30] =
Yishmâʻêʼl (H3458): {UMBRA: #451 % #41 = #41} 0) Ishmael = 'God will
hear'; 1) son of Abraham and Sarah's handmaid Hagar and the progenitor
of the Arabian peoples; 2) son of Nethaniah and the murderer of
Gedaliah; 3) a Benjamite, one of the sons of Azel a descendant of Saul
through Meribbaal or Mephibosheth; 4) a Judaite, father of Zebadiah; 5)
a Judaite, son of Johanan and one of the captains who aided Jehoiada in
restoring Joash to the throne; 6) a priest of the family of Pashur with
a foreign wife whom he was forced to put away by Ezra;
#540 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#80, #100, #1, #3, #40, #1, #300, #5, #9,
#1] = pragmateía (G4230): {UMBRA: #541 % #41 = #8} 1) prosecution of any
affair; 1a) business, occupation;
#532 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #1, #10] /
#656 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #5, #50, #70, #10] /
#856 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #5, #50, #70, #10,
#200] = hēgéomai (G2233): {UMBRA: #137 % #41 = #14} 1) to lead; 1a) to
go before; 1b) to be a leader; 1b1) to rule, command; 1b2) to have
authority over; 1b3) a prince, of regal power, governor, viceroy, chief,
leading as respects influence, controlling in counsel, overseers or
leaders of the churches; 1b4) used of any kind of leader, chief,
commander; 1b5) the leader in speech, chief, spokesman; 1c) to consider,
deem, account, think;
#644 - DEME TOTAL: #250 as [#5, #40, #5, #30, #5, #300, #8, #200, #1,
#50] = meletáō (G3191): {UMBRA: #1181 % #41 = #33} 1) to care for,
attend to carefully, practise; 2) to meditate i.e. to devise, contrive;
2a) used of the Greeks of the meditative pondering and the practice of
orators and rhetoricians;
{UMBRA: #1408 % #41 = #14} 1) to live together with one; 1a) of physical
life on earth; 1b) to live a new life in union with Christ, i.e.
dedicated to God;
academics / cognitive scientists / oriental linguists on the topic
informal research deploying a specific neural linguistic pragma (ie.
Hebrew / Greek as continuum markers).
who is a psychologist and neuroscientist with research interests in
consciousness (eg: Minimal Phenomenal Experience), meditation, and
non-duality. He is the founding director of Non-duality Institute, an
independent center for the scientific research of Non-Dual Awareness to
which our discovery of "#174 - ANIMA / ANIMUS AND #336 - PERSONAL
UNCONSCIOUS COEFFICIENTS" is most pertinent to this paradigm as
different type of consciousness which tries to experience things before
human thought, before human labels and binaries have been applied to
them. It is a state of consciousness that realizes oneness or
non-duality. When an individual realizes non-dual awareness, what was
previously experienced as separation and dichotomy is found to no longer
exist. Non-dual awareness is a state of consciousness that rests in the
background of all conscious experiencing.
As a validating CASE STUDY to the COEFFICIENT HYPOTHESIS, we provided a
SYSTEMS ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY as a means for appraisal of MUNDANE #65 /
1022 HOURS ON 12 AUGUST 2024 making an assay observation with the
TEMPORAL HEURISTIC to an equivalent scenario as CCTV EVENT where "OTHER
PARTY B" is placed within a reciprocal situation and prevaricated (ie.
their self interest has a priority against a spontaneous need of others)
when reasonably asked to remove their vehicle because the resident
needed to get to work.
Revision Date: 14 August 2024
Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable /
resizable DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third
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2024-08-14 10:09:58 UTC

that makes this conflict particularly hard is the fact that the
ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN, the ISRAELI-ARAB conflict, is essentially a
conflict between two victims. Two victims of the same oppressor. EUROPE
(ie. #65 - MARS: SOLDIER / #175 - VENUS: CHRISTMAS (the Julian calendar
is currently 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar) --> PYTHAGOREAN #174
COEFFICIENT AS #71 - WORLDVIEW)--which colonised the ARAB world,
exploited it, humiliated it, trampled upon its culture, controlled it
and used it as an imperialistic playground--is the same EUROPE that
discriminated against the Jews, persecuted them, harassed them, and
finally mass-murdered them in an unprecedented crime of genocide.


#2092 = [#2, #3, #4, #7, #8, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18,
#20, #22, #23, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #33, #35, #36, #39, #40, #41,
#42, #45, #47, #48, #51, #53, #55, #56, #57, #59, #61, #64, #67, #68,
#69, #70, #72, #73, #75, #76, #77, #78, #79, #81]

yǐ (以): 1. so as to; in order to, 2. to use; to regard as, 3. to use; to
grasp, 4. according to, 5. because of, 6. on a certain date, 7. and; as
well as, 8. to rely on, 9. to regard, 10. to be able to, 11. to order;
to command, 12. further; moreover, 13. used after a verb, 14. very, 15.
already, 16. increasingly, 17. *A* *REASON*; *A* *CAUSE*, 18. *ISRAEL*,
19. Yi

#2092 as [#1, #100, #800, #40, #1, #300, #800, #50] = árōma (G759):
{UMBRA: #942 % #41 = #40} 1) *SPICE*, perfume;

Now you would think that two victims (eg: The Jews are in Israel because
there is no other country in the world that the Jews, as a people, as a
nation, could ever call home [similarly excepting for the AL AQSA MOSQUE
as intrinsic to identity] the Palestinians have tried unwillingly, to
live in other ARAB countries. They were rejected, sometimes even
humiliated and persecuted by the so-called ARAB family) would
immediately develop between themselves a sense of solidarity (eg: 24 x 7
X 13 | 28 x 6 x 13 = #2184 as a DUOPOLY FOUNDATIONAL GATEWAY to a MIDDLE
EASTERN KNOWLEDGE / INFORMATION ECONOMY). But in real life, some of the
worst conflicts are precisely the conflicts between two victims of the
same oppressor." [Amos OZ, 2002, How To Cure A Fanatic, pages 7, 15]

Post by dolf
CO-OPERATION AS KNOWLEDGE / INFORMATION (24 x 7 X 13 | 28 x 6 x 13 =
#2184) ECONOMY?
(c) 2024 Dolf Leendert Boek, Published: 14 August 2024
#709 - MALE TOTAL: #239 as [#6, #5, #2, #90, #200, #6, #400] = bâtsar
(H1219): {UMBRA: #292 % #41 = #5} 1) to gather, restrain, fence,
fortify, make inaccessible, enclose; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cut off; 1a2)
fortified, cut off, made inaccessible (pass participle); 1a3) *SECRETS*,
*MYSTERIES*, *INACCESSIBLE* *THINGS* (subst); 1b) (Niphal) to be
withheld; 1c) (Piel) to fortify;
According to Google translate this COMPASS [#52 - MEASURE (TU) / #60 -
(FA)] NOTION means #174 - guīgé (規格): SPECIFICATION; FORMAT; NORM;
STANDARD (ie. evidently c² = a² + b² was known to PYTHAGORAS at the time
of JEWISH Babylonian captivity) and given a contemporaneous Jewish
history of KING ARISTOBULUS I: 104-103 BCE to that of the CHINESE Tàichū
(太初): GRAND INCEPTION as TETRA #81 with a new moon 🌑 on 21 December
104 BCE (103 BCE with #0 CE) + 7 x 19 metonic lunar cycles = 30 AD and
the notion "MIDST OF THE WEEK" is a 3.5 year / 1274 day period (ie.
#379 = [#44, #30, #42, #77, #18, #37, #48, #12, #71]
#1513 - FEME TOTAL: #379 as [#80, #100, #70, #3, #50, #800, #200, #10,
#200] = prógnōsis (G4268): {UMBRA: #1513 % #41 = #37} 1) foreknowledge;
2) forethought, pre-arrangement;
#28     #13     #09     #59     #66     #79     #51     #44     #20
#50     #08     #19     #81     #58     #65     #43     #30     #15
#11     #77     #70     #42     #46     #35     #04     #27     #57
#75     #33     #53     #22     #02     #18     #68     #61     #37
#06     #72     #56     #34     #41     #48     #26     #10     #76
#45     #21     #14     #64     #80     #60     #29     #49     #07
#25     #55     #78     #47     #36     #40     #12     #05     #71
#67     #52     #39     #17     #24     #01     #63     #74     #32
#62     #38     #31     #03     #16     #23     #73     #69     #54
#75 - FAILURE (SHIH) [#6, #29, #40]
guīju (規矩): 1. a ruler; set square; literally *COMPASS* *AND* *SET*
*SQUARE*, 2. a rule; a standard, 3. upright; honest
Which is here exemplified as "COURSE-trochos of NATURE-genesis" [James
3:6] by #22 - RESISTANCE (KE) - 𝌛格 = #473 as [#3, #5, #50, #5, #200,
#10, #200] = génesis (G1078): {UMBRA: #473 % #41 = #22} 1) source,
origin; 1a) a book of one's lineage, i.e. in which his ancestry or
progeny are enumerated; 2) used of birth, nativity; 3) of that which
follows origin, viz. existence, life; 3a) the wheel of life (Jas 3:6),
other explain it, the wheel of human origin which as soon as men are
born begins to run, i.e. its course of life;
#44 - 𝌱竈 = #218 / #380 / #495
COGITO: [#36, #23, #43, #67, #28] as #44 - STOVE (TSAO)
RANGE: noon 03 to 07 JULY
#1546 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#400, #300, #40, #6, #200, #600] = shâmar
(H8104): {UMBRA: #540 % #41 = #7} 1) to keep, guard, observe, give heed;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to keep, have charge of; 1a2) to keep, guard, keep watch
and ward, protect, *SAVE* life; i) watch, watchman (participle); 1a3) to
watch for, wait for; 1a4) to watch, observe; 1a5) to keep, retain,
treasure up (in memory); 1a6) to keep (within bounds), restrain; 1a7)
*COMMANDS*), *PERFORM* (*VOW*); 1a8) to keep, preserve, protect; 1a9) to
keep, reserve; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be on one's guard, take heed, take
care, beware; 1b2) to keep oneself, refrain, abstain; 1b3) to be kept,
be guarded; 1c) (Piel) to keep, pay heed; 1d) (Hithpael) to keep oneself
{UMBRA: #417 % #41 = #7} 1) olive, olive tree; 1a) *OLIVE* *TREE*; 1b)
olives; 2) mountain facing Jerusalem on the east side;
#386 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #80, #200, #6, #90, #5] = pârats
(H6555): {UMBRA: #370 % #41 = #1} 1) to break through or down or over,
burst, breach; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to break or burst out (from womb or
enclosure); 1a2) to break through or down, make a breach in; 1a3) to
break into; 1a4) to break open; 1a5) to break up, break in pieces; 1a6)
to break out (violently) upon; 1a7) to break over (limits), increase;
1a8) to use violence; 1a9) to burst open; 1a10) to spread, distribute;
1b) (Niphal) to be *BROKEN* *THROUGH*; 1c) (Pual) to be broken down; 1d)
(Hithpael) to break away;
#704 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #3, #20, #5, #50, #300, #100, #10, #200,
#1, #10] = enkentrízō (G1461): {UMBRA: #1300 % #41 = #29} 1) to cut into
for the sake of inserting a scion; 2) to inoculate, ingraft, *GRAFT* *IN*;
#1271 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #9, #400, #40, #800, #9, #8] = thymóō
(G2373): {UMBRA: #1319 % #41 = #7} 1) to cause one to become incensed,
to provoke to anger; 2) to be wroth;
#1170 - MALE TOTAL: #366 as [#80, #1, #100, #70, #100, #3, #9, #7, #800]
= parorgízō (G3949): {UMBRA: #1171 % #41 = #23} 1) to rouse to wrath, to
provoke, exasperate, anger;
#1010 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#40, #400, #70, #300, #200] = ʻâshar
(H6238): {UMBRA: #570 % #41 = #37} 1) to be or become rich or wealthy,
enrich, pretend to be rich; 1a) (Qal) to be or become rich; 1b)
(Hiphil); 1b1) to make rich; 1b2) to gain riches; 1c) (Hithpael) to
enrich oneself, pretend to be rich;
#785 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#5, #300, #30, #20, #400, #10, #20] = shâlak
(H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl, fling; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed, cast down;
1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown, be cast;
1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be cast
#981 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#200, #70, #500, #10, #1, #200] = sophía
(G4678): {UMBRA: #781 % #41 = #2} 1) wisdom, broad and full of
intelligence; used of the knowledge of very diverse matters; 1a) the
wisdom which belongs to men; 1a1) spec. the varied knowledge of things
human and divine, acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in
maxims and proverbs; 1a2) the science and learning; 1a3) the act of
interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice; 1a4) the
intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some mysterious
number or vision; 1a5) skill in the management of affairs; 1a6) devout
and proper prudence in intercourse with men not disciples of Christ,
skill and discretion in imparting Christian truth; 1a7) the knowledge
and practice of the requisites for godly and upright living; 1b) supreme
intelligence, such as belongs to God; 1b1) to Christ; 1b2) *THE*
#866 - FEME TOTAL: #218 as [#10, #200, #100, #1, #8, #30, #9, #300, #8,
#200] = Israēlítēs (G2475): {UMBRA: #867 % #41 = #6} 1) an Israelite,
one of the nation of *ISRAEL*, a name to be held in honour;
{UMBRA: #19 % #41 = #19} 1) nation, people; 1a) *NATION*, *PEOPLE*; 1a1)
usually of non-Hebrew people; 1a2) of descendants of Abraham; 1a3) of
Israel; 1b) of swarm of locusts, other animals (fig.); 1c) Goyim? =
#717 - MALE TOTAL: #218 as [#2, #5, #2, #8, #30, #70, #400, #200] =
bébēlos (G952): {UMBRA: #317 % #41 = #30} 1) accessible, lawful to be
trodden; 1a) of places; 2) profane; 2a) unhallowed, common, public
place; 2b) of men, *UNGODLY*;
#30 - 𝌣毅 = #204 / #366 / #481
COGITO: [#12, #27, #79, #79, #74] as #30 - BOLD RESOLUTION (YI)
RANGE: noon 01 to 05 MAY
#366 - FEME TOTAL: #204 as [#4, #10, #1, #20, #70, #50, #10, #1, #200] =
diakonía (G1248): {UMBRA: #166 % #41 = #2} 1) service, ministering, esp.
of those who execute the commands of others; 2) of those who by the
command of God proclaim and promote religion among men; 2a) of the
office of Moses; 2b) *OF* *THE* *OFFICE* *OF* *THE* *APOSTLES* *AND*
*ITS* *ADMINISTRATION*; 2c) of the office of prophets, evangelists,
elders etc.; 3) the ministration of those who render to others the
offices of Christian affection esp. those who help meet need by either
collecting or distributing of charities; 4) the office of the deacon in
the church; 5) the service of those who prepare and present food;
{UMBRA: #370 % #41 = #1} 1) to break through or down or over, burst,
breach; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to break or burst out (from womb or enclosure);
1a2) to break through or down, make a breach in; 1a3) to break into;
1a4) to break open; 1a5) to break up, break in pieces; 1a6) to break out
(violently) upon; 1a7) to break over (limits), increase; 1a8) to use
violence; 1a9) to burst open; 1a10) to spread, distribute; 1b) (Niphal)
to be *BROKEN* *THROUGH*; 1c) (Pual) to be broken down; 1d) (Hithpael)
to break away;
{UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's
favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise, boast, be
boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) *BOASTFUL* *ONES*,
*BOASTERS* (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make
a boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;
#78 - MALE TOTAL: #366 as [#6, #30, #20, #2, #6, #4, #10] = kâbôwd
(H3519): {UMBRA: #32 % #41 = #32} 1) glory, honour, glorious, abundance;
1a) abundance, riches; 1b) honour, splendour, glory; 1c) honour,
dignity; 1d) honour, reputation; 1e) honour, reverence, glory; 1f) glory;
{UMBRA: #89 % #41 = #7} 1) to thrust, push, drive, *CAST* *AWAY*, cast
out, expel, thrust away; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to thrust, push; 1a2) to drive
out, thrust out; 1a3) to depose;
#724 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#40, #50, #4, #10, #20, #600] = nâdâh
(H5077): {UMBRA: #59 % #41 = #18} 1) (Hiphil) exclude, drive away,
thrust aside; 2) (Piel) cast out, put away;
#372 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#6, #1, #300, #30, #10, #20, #5] = shâlak
(H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl, fling; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed, cast down;
1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown, be cast;
1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be cast
#1040 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#200, #70, #500, #70, #200] = sophós
(G4680): {UMBRA: #1040 % #41 = #15} 1) *WISE*; 1a) skilled, expert: of
artificers; 1b) wise, skilled in letters, cultivated, learned; 1b1) of
the Greek philosophers and orators; 1b2) of Jewish theologians; 1b3) of
Christian teachers; 1c) forming the best plans and using the best means
for their execution;
#950 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#6, #3, #1, #30, #400, #10, #500] = gâʼal
(H1350): {UMBRA: #34 % #41 = #34} 1) to redeem, act as kinsman-redeemer,
avenge, revenge, ransom, do the part of a kinsman; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
act as kinsman, do the part of next of kin, act as kinsman-redeemer; i)
by marrying brother's widow to beget a child for him, to redeem from
slavery, to redeem land, to exact vengeance; 1a2) to redeem (by
payment); 1a3) to redeem (with God as subject); i) individuals from
death; ii) Israel from Egyptian bondage; iii) *ISRAEL* *FROM* *EXILE*;
1a4) (Niphal); i) to redeem oneself; ii) to be redeemed;
#1662 - FEME TOTAL: #366 as [#80, #1, #300, #100, #10, #1, #100, #600,
#70, #400] = patriárchēs (G3966): {UMBRA: #1400 % #41 = #6} 1)
patriarch, founder of a tribe, progenitor; 1a) of the twelve sons of
Jacob, founders of the tribes of Israel; 1b) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;
#436 - MALE TOTAL: #204 as [#10, #6, #300, #10, #70, #40] /
#447 - FEME TOTAL: #204 as [#6, #5, #6, #300, #70, #50, #10] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;
#42 - 𝌯迎 = #216 / #378 / #493
COGITO: [#31, #21, #33, #80, #53] as #42 - GOING TO MEET (YING)
RANGE: noon 24 to 28 JUNE
#216 - FEME TOTAL: #216 as [#20, #70, #60, #6, #50, #10] = kaʻaç
(H3707): {UMBRA: #150 % #41 = #27} 1) to be angry, be vexed, be
indignant, be wroth, be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to be vexed, be indignant; 1a2) to be angry; 1b) (Piel) to provoke
to anger; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to vex; 1c2) to vex, provoke to anger;
#427 - MALE TOTAL: #378 as [#80, #100, #70, #20, #1, #30, #5, #70, #40,
#1, #10] = prokaléomai (G4292): {UMBRA: #427 % #41 = #17} 1) to call
forth; 2) to call forth to one's self; 2a) esp. to challenge to a combat
or contest with one; 3) to provoke, to irritate;
{UMBRA: #126 % #41 = #3} 1) to scorn, make mouths at, talk arrogantly;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to boast; 1a2) to scorn; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to mock,
deride; 1b2) to interpret (language); i) interpreter (participle); ii)
ambassador (fig.); 1b3) (Hithpalpel) to be inflated, scoff, act as a
scorner, show oneself a mocker;
{UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig. of God's
favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise, boast, be
boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) *BOASTFUL* *ONES*,
*BOASTERS* (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make
a boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;
{UMBRA: #502 % #41 = #10} 1) to break, break in pieces; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
break, break in or down, rend violently, wreck, crush, quench; 1a2) to
break, rupture (fig); 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be broken, be maimed, be
crippled, be wrecked; 1b2) *TO* *BE* *BROKEN*, be crushed (fig); 1c)
(Piel) to shatter, break; 1d) (Hiphil) to cause to break out, bring to
the birth; 1e) (Hophal) to be broken, be shattered;
#777 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #400, #300, #30, #10, #20, #5, #6] =
shâlak (H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl,
fling; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed,
cast down; 1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown,
be cast; 1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be
cast (metaph);
#721 - MALE TOTAL: #378 as [#2, #70, #400, #30, #5, #200, #9, #5] =
boúlomai (G1014): {UMBRA: #623 % #41 = #8} 1) to will deliberately, have
a purpose, be minded; 2) of willing as an affection, to desire;
#820 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#1, #4, #5, #30, #500, #70, #10, #200] =
adelphós (G80): {UMBRA: #810 % #41 = #31} 1) a brother, whether born of
the same two parents or only of the same father or mother; 2) having the
same national ancestor, belonging to the same people, or countryman; 3)
any fellow or man; 4) a fellow believer, united to another by the bond
of affection; 5) an associate in employment or office; 6) *BRETHREN*
*IN* *CHRIST*; 6a) his brothers by blood; 6b) all men; 6c) *APOSTLES*;
6d) Christians, as those who are exalted to the same heavenly place;
#621 - FEME TOTAL: #216 as [#70, #40, #10, #100, #400, #1] = ʻămîyq
(H5994): {UMBRA: #220 % #41 = #15} 1) deep; 2) deep things, *DEEP*
#2480 - MALE TOTAL: #493 as [#300, #5, #300, #400, #500, #800, #40, #5,
#50, #70, #10] = typhóō (G5187): {UMBRA: #2070 % #41 = #20} 1) to raise
a smoke, to wrap in a mist; 1a) metaph.; 1a1) to make proud, puff up
with pride, render insolent; 1a2) to be puffed up with haughtiness or
pride; 1b) to *BLIND* with pride or *CONCEIT*, to render foolish or
stupid; 1b1) beclouded, besotted;
{UMBRA: #308 % #41 = #21} 1) to go astray, stray, err; 1a) (Qal); 1a1)
to err, stray; 1a2) to swerve, meander, reel, roll, be intoxicated, err
(in drunkenness); 1a3) to go astray (morally); 1a4) to commit sin of
*IGNORANCE* or inadvertence, err (ignorantly); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to
lead astray; 1b2) to lead astray, mislead (mentally); 1b3) to lead
astray (morally);
{UMBRA: #300 % #41 = #13} 1) to form, fashion, frame; 1a) (Qal) to form,
fashion; 1a1) of human activity; 1a2) of divine activity; i) of
creation; 1) of original creation; 2) of individuals at conception; 3)
of Israel as a people; ii) to frame, pre-ordain, plan (fig. of divine)
purpose of a situation); 1a3) (Niphal) to be formed, be created; 1a4)
(Pual) to be predetermined, be pre-ordained; 1a5) (Hophal) to be formed;
#1107 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #400, #80, #1, #200, #400, #20] =
tiphʼârâh (H8597): {UMBRA: #686 % #41 = #30} 1) beauty, splendour,
glory; 1a) beauty, finery (of garments, jewels); 1b) glory; 1b1) of
rank, renown; 1b2) as attribute of God; 1c) honour (or nation Israel);
1d) glorying, boasting (of individual);
#437 - MALE TOTAL: #216 as [#6, #5, #6, #300, #10, #70, #40] /
#1026 - FEME TOTAL: #216 as [#40, #6, #300, #10, #70, #600] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;
#77 - 𝍒馴 = #251 / #413 / #528
COGITO: [#47, #10, #50, #9, #9] as #77 - COMPLIANCE (HSUN)
#742 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#2, #50, #20, #60, #10, #600] = nekeç
(H5233): {UMBRA: #130 % #41 = #7} 1) riches, treasures;
#364 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#1, #30, #1, #7, #70, #50, #5, #200] =
alazṓn (G213): {UMBRA: #889 % #41 = #28} 1) an empty pretender, a boaster;
#656 - FEME TOTAL: #413 as [#1, #80, #70, #20, #1, #300, #8, #30, #30,
#1, #60, #5, #50] = apokatallássō (G604): {UMBRA: #1734 % #41 = #12} 1)
*TO* *RECONCILE* *COMPLETELY*; 2) to reconcile back again; 3) bring back
a former state of harmony;
#1014 - MALE TOTAL: #413 as [#1, #80, #70, #2, #1, #30, #30, #800] =
apobállō (G577): {UMBRA: #1014 % #41 = #30} 1) to throw off, *CAST* *AWAY*;
#818 - FEME TOTAL: #251 as [#2, #70, #400, #30, #5, #300, #1, #10] =
boúlomai (G1014): {UMBRA: #623 % #41 = #8} 1) to will deliberately, have
a purpose, be minded; 2) of willing as an affection, to desire;
#222 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#1, #50, #70, #40, #10, #1, #50] = anomía
(G458): {UMBRA: #172 % #41 = #8} 1) the condition of without law; 1a)
because ignorant of it; 1b) because of violating it; 2) contempt and
violation of law, iniquity, wickedness;
#980 - FEME TOTAL: #251 as [#70, #600, #30, #70, #10, #200] = óchlos
(G3793): {UMBRA: #970 % #41 = #27} 1) a crowd; 1a) a casual collection
of people; 1a1) a multitude of men who have flocked together in some
place; 1a2) a throng; 1b) a multitude; 1b1) the common people, as
opposed to the rulers and leading men; 1b2) with contempt: the ignorant
multitude, the populace; 1c) a multitude; 1c1) the multitudes, seems to
denote troops of people gathered together without order;
#402 - MALE TOTAL: #251 as [#10, #6, #300, #10, #70, #6] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;
#18 - 𝌗傒 = #192 / #354 / #469
COGITO: [#4, #24, #78, #71, #80] as #18 - WAITING (HSI)
RANGE: noon 08 to 12 MARCH
{UMBRA: #130 % #41 = #7} 1) riches, property;
#92 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#6, #10, #5, #30, #30, #6, #5] = hâlal
(H1984): {UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig.
of God's favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise,
boast, be boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) boastful ones,
boasters (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make a
boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;
#106 - MALE TOTAL: #354 as [#4, #10, #1, #30, #30, #1, #3, #8, #9, #10]
= diallássō (G1259): {UMBRA: #1276 % #41 = #5} 1) to change; 2) to
change the mind of anyone, to reconcile; 3) *TO* *BE* *RECONCILED*, to
renew friendship with one;
#840 - FEME TOTAL: #192 as [#1, #80, #1, #100, #600, #8, #50] = aparchḗ
(G536): {UMBRA: #790 % #41 = #11} 1) to offer firstlings or
*FIRSTFRUITS*; 2) to take away the firstfruits of the productions of the
earth which was offered to God. The first portion of the dough, from
which sacred loaves were to be prepared. Hence term used of persons
consecrated to God for all time.; 3) persons superior in excellence to
others of the same class;
{UMBRA: #800 % #41 = #21} 1) *ROOT*; 1a) root (literal); 1b) root (of
people involving firmness or permanence) (fig); 1c) root, bottom (as
lowest stratum) (fig);
{UMBRA: #359 % #41 = #31} 1) to leave, permit, forsake, cast off or
away, reject, suffer, join, spread out or abroad, be loosed, cease,
abandon, quit, hang loose, cast down, make a raid, lie fallow, let fall,
forgo, draw; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to leave, let alone, lie fallow, entrust
to; 1a2) to forsake, abandon; 1a3) to permit; 1b) (Niphal); 1b1) to be
forsaken; 1b2) to be loosened, be loose; 1b3) to be let go, spread
abroad; 1c) (Pual) to be abandoned, be deserted;
{UMBRA: #1245 % #41 = #15} 1) to initiate into the mysteries; 2) to
teach fully, instruct; 2a) to accustom one to a thing; 2b) to give one
an intimate acquaintance with a thing;
#893 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#6, #5, #70, #2, #200, #10, #600] = ʻIbrîy
(H5680): {UMBRA: #282 % #41 = #36} 0) Hebrew = 'one from beyond'; 1) a
designation of the patriarchs and the *ISRAELITES*; 2) a designation of
the patriarchs and the Israelites;
#304 - MALE TOTAL: #354 as [#5, #20, #20, #30, #8, #200, #10, #1, #10] =
ekklēsía (G1577): {UMBRA: #294 % #41 = #7} 1) a gathering of citizens
called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly; 1a) an
assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for
the purpose of deliberating; 1b) the assembly of the Israelites; 1c) any
gathering or throng of men assembled by chance, tumultuously; 1d) in a
Christian sense; 1d1) an assembly of Christians gathered for worship in
a religious meeting; 1d2) a company of Christian, or of those who,
hoping for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own
religious rites, hold their own religious meetings, and manage their own
affairs, according to regulations prescribed for the body for order's
sake; 1d3) those who anywhere, in a city, village, constitute such a
company and are united into one body; 1d4) the whole body of Christians
scattered throughout the earth; 1d5) the assembly of faithful Christians
already dead and received into heaven;
#1006 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#6, #10, #300, #70, #20, #600] /
#921 - FEME TOTAL: #192 as [#30, #5, #6, #300, #10, #70, #500] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*;  1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be
delivered; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;
#1545 - MALE TOTAL: #469 as [#10, #70, #400, #4, #1, #10, #200, #40,
#800, #10] = Ioudaïsmós (G2454): {UMBRA: #1005 % #41 = #21} 1) the
Jewish faith and worship, religion of the Jews, Judaism;
#317 - MALE TOTAL: #192 as [#2, #5, #2, #8, #30, #70, #200] = bébēlos
(G952): {UMBRA: #317 % #41 = #30} 1) accessible, lawful to be trodden;
1a) of places; 2) profane; 2a) unhallowed, common, public place; 2b) of
men, *UNGODLY*;
#37 - 𝌪睟 = #211 / #373 / #488
COGITO: [#76, #46, #46, #66, #14] as #37 - PURITY (TS'UI)
RANGE: 02 to noon 06 JUNE
#1697 - MALE TOTAL: #373 as [#80, #30, #70, #400, #300, #10, #7, #800] =
ploutízō (G4148): {UMBRA: #1697 % #41 = #16} 1) to make rich, enrich;
1a) of spiritual riches; 2) to be richly furnished;
#481 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#10, #400, #5, #30, #30, #6] = hâlal
(H1984): {UMBRA: #65 % #41 = #24} 1) to shine; 1a) (Qal) to shine (fig.
of God's favour); 1b) (Hiphil) to flash forth light; 2) to praise,
boast, be boastful; 2a) (Qal); 2a1) to be boastful; 2a2) boastful ones,
boasters (participle); 2b) (Piel); 2b1) to praise; 2b2) to boast, make a
boast; 2c) (Pual); 2c1) to be praised, be made praiseworthy, be
commended, be worthy of praise; 2d) (Hithpael) to boast, glory, make
one's boast; 2e) (Poel) to make a fool of, make into a fool; 2f)
(Hithpoel) to act madly, act like a madman;
{UMBRA: #889 % #41 = #28} 1) an empty pretender, a boaster;
{UMBRA: #210 % #41 = #5} 1) deep, *MYSTERIOUS*, depths; 1a) deep; 1b)
#778 - FEME TOTAL: #211 as [#2, #40, #300, #20, #10, #400, #6] =
maskîyth (H4906): {UMBRA: #770 % #41 = #32} 1) show-piece, figure,
imagination, image, idol, picture; 1a) show-piece, carved figure (of
idols); 1b) imagination, *CONCEIT*;
#182 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#1, #50, #70, #40, #10, #1, #10] = anomía
(G458): {UMBRA: #172 % #41 = #8} 1) the condition of without law; 1a)
because ignorant of it; 1b) because of violating it; 2) contempt and
violation of law, iniquity, wickedness;
#778 - FEME TOTAL: #373 as [#80, #70, #50, #8, #100, #70, #400] =
ponērós (G4190): {UMBRA: #578 % #41 = #4} 1) full of labours,
annoyances, hardships; 1a) pressed and harassed by labours; 1b) bringing
toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith
and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble; 2) bad, of a bad nature or
condition; 2a) in a physical sense: diseased or *BLIND*; 2b) in an
ethical sense: evil wicked, bad;
{UMBRA: #291 % #41 = #4} 1) land, earth; 1a) earth; 1a1) whole earth (as
opposed to a part); 1a2) earth (as opposed to heaven); 1a3) earth
(inhabitants); 1b) land; 1b1) country, territory; 1b2) district, region;
1b3) tribal territory; 1b4) piece of ground; 1b5) land of Canaan,
*ISRAEL*; 1b6) inhabitants of land; 1b7) Sheol, land without return,
(under) world; 1b8) city (-state); 1c) ground, surface of the earth;
1c1) ground; 1c2) soil; 1d) (in phrases); 1d1) people of the land; 1d2)
space or distance of country (in measurements of distance); 1d3) level
or plain country; 1d4) land of the living; 1d5) end(s) of the earth; 1e)
(almost wholly late in usage); 1e1) lands, countries; i) often in
contrast to Canaan;
{UMBRA: #19 % #41 = #19} 1) *NATION*, *PEOPLE*; 1a) nation, people; 1a1)
usually of non-Hebrew people; 1a2) of descendants of Abraham; 1a3) of
Israel; 1b) of swarm of locusts, other animals (fig.); 1c) Goyim? =
#566 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#10, #300, #200, #6, #50] = Yᵉshurûwn
(H3484): {UMBRA: #566 % #41 = #33} 0) Jeshurun = 'upright one'; 1) *A*
#407 - MALE TOTAL: #211 as [#1, #6, #300, #10, #70, #20] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*;  1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be
delivered; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;
#48 - 𝌵禮 = #222 / #384 / #499
COGITO: [#57, #77, #58, #32, #8] as #48 - RITUAL (LI)
RANGE: noon 21 to 25 JULY
#1734 - MALE TOTAL: #499 as [#1, #80, #70, #20, #1, #300, #1, #30, #30,
#1, #200, #200, #800] = apokatallássō (G604): {UMBRA: #1734 % #41 = #12}
1) *TO* *RECONCILE* *COMPLETELY*; 2) to reconcile back again; 3) bring
back a former state of harmony;
{UMBRA: #338 % #41 = #10} 1) to send, send away, let go, stretch out;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to send; 1a2) to stretch out, extend, direct; 1a3) to
send away; 1a4) to let loose; 1b) (Niphal) to be sent; 1c) (Piel); 1c1)
to send off or away or out or forth, dismiss, give over, cast out; 1c2)
to let go, set free; 1c3) to shoot forth (of branches); 1c4) to let
down; 1c5) to shoot; 1d) (Pual) to be sent off, be put away, be
divorced, be impelled; 1e) (Hiphil) to send;
#1113 - FEME TOTAL: #222 as [#3, #70, #30, #400, #10, #600] = gâʻal
(H1602): {UMBRA: #103 % #41 = #21} 1) to abhor, loathe, be vilely cast
away, fall; 1a) (Qal) to abhor, loathe; 1b) (Niphal) to be defiled; 1c)
(Hiphil) to reject as loathsome, show aversion;
{UMBRA: #340 % #41 = #12} 1) to be bad, be evil; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be
displeasing; 1a2) to be sad; 1a3) to be injurious, be evil; 1a4) to be
wicked, be evil (ethically); 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to do an injury or hurt;
1b2) to do evil or wickedly; 1b3) mischief (participle); 1c) to break,
shatter; 1c1) (Qal); i) to break; ii) broken (participle); iii) *TO*
*BE* *BROKEN*; 1c2) (Hithpolel) to be broken, be broken in pieces, be
broken asunder;
#2733 - MALE TOTAL: #499 as [#400, #700, #8, #30, #70, #500, #100, #70,
#50, #5, #800] = hypsēlophronéō (G5309): {UMBRA: #2733 % #41 = #27} 1)
to be *HIGH* *MINDED*, proud;
#222 - FEME TOTAL: #222 as [#1, #50, #70, #40, #10, #1, #50] = anomía
(G458): {UMBRA: #172 % #41 = #8} 1) the condition of without law; 1a)
because ignorant of it; 1b) because of violating it; 2) contempt and
violation of law, iniquity, wickedness;
#371 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#20, #1, #200, #90, #20, #40] = ʼerets
(H776): {UMBRA: #291 % #41 = #4} 1) land, earth; 1a) earth; 1a1) whole
earth (as opposed to a part); 1a2) earth (as opposed to heaven); 1a3)
earth (inhabitants); 1b) land; 1b1) country, territory; 1b2) district,
region; 1b3) tribal territory; 1b4) piece of ground; 1b5) land of
Canaan, *ISRAEL*; 1b6) inhabitants of land; 1b7) Sheol, land without
return, (under) world; 1b8) city (-state); 1c) ground, surface of the
earth; 1c1) ground; 1c2) soil; 1d) (in phrases); 1d1) people of the
land; 1d2) space or distance of country (in measurements of distance);
1d3) level or plain country; 1d4) land of the living; 1d5) end(s) of the
earth; 1e) (almost wholly late in usage); 1e1) lands, countries; i)
often in contrast to Canaan;
#1225 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#300, #5, #20, #50, #800, #50] = téknon
(G5043): {UMBRA: #495 % #41 = #3} 1) offspring, children; 1a) child;
1a1) a male child, a son; 1b) metaph.; 1b1) the name transferred to that
intimate and reciprocal relationship formed between men by the bonds of
love, friendship, trust, just as between parents and children; 1b2) in
affectionate address, such as patrons, helpers, teachers and the like
employ: my child; 1b3) in the NT, pupils or disciples are called
children of their teachers, because the latter by their instruction
nourish the minds of their pupils and mould their characters; 1b4)
*CHILDREN* *OF* *GOD*: in the OT of 'the people of Israel' as especially
dear to God, in the NT, in Paul's writings, all who are led by the
Spirit of God and thus closely related to God; 1b5) children of the
devil: those who in thought and action are prompted by the devil, and so
reflect his character; 1c) metaph.; 1c1) of anything who depends upon
it, is possessed by a desire or affection for it, is addicted to it;
1c2) one who is liable to any fate; i) thus children of a city: it
citizens and inhabitants; 1c3) *THE* *VOTARIES* *OF* *WISDOM*, those
souls who have, as it were, been nurtured and moulded by wisdom; 1c4)
cursed children, exposed to a curse and doomed to God's wrath or penalty;
#2038 - FEME TOTAL: #499 as [#80, #100, #70, #200, #8, #30, #400, #300,
#800, #50] = prosḗlytos (G4339): {UMBRA: #1458 % #41 = #23} 1) a
newcomer; 1a) a stranger, alien; 2) a proselyte; 2a) one who has come
over from a Gentile religion to Judaism;
#951 - FEME TOTAL: #222 as [#10, #300, #200, #1, #30, #10, #400] =
Yisrᵉʼêlîyth (H3482): {UMBRA: #951 % #41 = #8} 0) Israelitess = see
Israel 'God prevails'; 1) a female descendant or inhabitant of the
#466 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#40, #6, #300, #10, #70, #40] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) ] = yâshaʻ (H3467): {UMBRA: #380 %
#41 = #11} 1)  1a) (Niphal); 1a1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;
#1013 - MALE TOTAL: #222 as [#1, #200, #5, #2, #5, #800] = asebéō
(G764): {UMBRA: #1013 % #41 = #29} 1) to be *UNGODLY*, act impiously;
#12 - 𝌑童 = #186 / #348 / #463
COGITO: [#6, #53, #70, #69, #59] as #12 - YOUTHFULNESS (T'UNG)
RANGE: noon 09 to 13 FEBRUARY
#915 - FEME TOTAL: #186 as [#5, #20, #80, #200, #10, #600] = kâphar
(H3722): {UMBRA: #300 % #41 = #13} 1) to cover, purge, make an
atonement, *MAKE* *RECONCILIATION*, cover over with pitch; 1a) (Qal) to
coat or cover with pitch; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to cover over, pacify,
propitiate; 1b2) to cover over, atone for sin, make atonement for; 1b3)
to cover over, atone for sin and persons by legal rites; 1c) (Pual);
1c1) to be covered over; 1c2) to make atonement for; 1d) (Hithpael) to
be covered;
#591 - FEME TOTAL: #186 as [#200, #1, #100, #20, #70, #200] = sárx
(G4561): {UMBRA: #361 % #41 = #33} 1) *FLESH* (the soft substance of the
living body, which covers the bones and is permeated with blood) of both
man and beasts; 2) the body; 2a) the body of a man; 2b) used of natural
or physical origin, generation or relationship; 2b1) born of natural
generation; 2c) the sensuous nature of man, 'the animal nature'; 2c1)
without any suggestion of depravity; 2c2) the animal nature with
cravings which incite to sin; 2c3) the physical nature of man as subject
to suffering; 2d) a living creature (because possessed of a body of
flesh) whether man or beast; 2e) the flesh, denotes mere human nature,
the earthly nature of man apart from divine influence, and therefore
prone to sin and opposed to God;
{UMBRA: #118 % #41 = #36} 1) a *ROOT*; 2) that which like a root springs
from a root, a sprout, shoot; 3) metaph. offspring, progeny;
#370 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#5, #300, #30, #10, #20, #5] = shâlak
(H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) to throw, cast, hurl, fling; 1a)
(Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast, throw away, cast off, shed, cast down;
1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b) (Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown, be cast;
1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3) to be cast down; 1b4) to be cast
#384 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#6, #40, #300, #30, #8] /
#774 - MALE TOTAL: #186 as [#6, #300, #30, #8, #400, #10, #20] = shâlach
(H7971): {UMBRA: #338 % #41 = #10} 1) to send, send away, let go,
stretch out; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to send; 1a2) to stretch out, extend,
direct; 1a3) to send away; 1a4) to let loose; 1b) (Niphal) to be sent;
1c) (Piel); 1c1) to send off or away or out or forth, dismiss, give
over, cast out; 1c2) to let go, set free; 1c3) to shoot forth (of
branches); 1c4) to let down; 1c5) to shoot; 1d) (Pual) to be sent off,
be put away, be divorced, be impelled; 1e) (Hiphil) to send;
#2616 - FEME TOTAL: #348 as [#300, #5, #300, #400, #500, #800, #300, #1,
#10] = typhóō (G5187): {UMBRA: #2070 % #41 = #20} 1) to raise a smoke,
to wrap in a mist; 1a) metaph.; 1a1) to make proud, puff up with pride,
render insolent; 1a2) to be puffed up with haughtiness or pride; 1b) to
*BLIND* with pride or *CONCEIT*, to render foolish or stupid; 1b1)
beclouded, besotted;
#1158 - FEME TOTAL: #348 as [#80, #70, #50, #8, #100, #800, #50] =
ponērós (G4190): {UMBRA: #578 % #41 = #4} 1) full of labours,
annoyances, hardships; 1a) pressed and harassed by labours; 1b) bringing
toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith
and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble; 2) bad, of a bad nature or
condition; 2a) in a physical sense: diseased or *BLIND*; 2b) in an
ethical sense: evil wicked, bad;
#1393 - MALE TOTAL: #463 as [#80, #1, #300, #100, #10, #1, #100, #600,
#1, #200] = patriárchēs (G3966): {UMBRA: #1400 % #41 = #6} 1) patriarch,
founder of a tribe, progenitor; 1a) of the twelve sons of Jacob,
founders of the tribes of Israel; 1b) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;
{UMBRA: #291 % #41 = #4} 1) land, earth; 1a) earth; 1a1) whole earth (as
opposed to a part); 1a2) earth (as opposed to heaven); 1a3) earth
(inhabitants); 1b) land; 1b1) country, territory; 1b2) district, region;
1b3) tribal territory; 1b4) piece of ground; 1b5) land of Canaan,
*ISRAEL*; 1b6) inhabitants of land; 1b7) Sheol, land without return,
(under) world; 1b8) city (-state); 1c) ground, surface of the earth;
1c1) ground; 1c2) soil; 1d) (in phrases); 1d1) people of the land; 1d2)
space or distance of country (in measurements of distance); 1d3) level
or plain country; 1d4) land of the living; 1d5) end(s) of the earth; 1e)
(almost wholly late in usage); 1e1) lands, countries; i) often in
contrast to Canaan;
#996 - FEME TOTAL: #186 as [#10, #6, #300, #10, #70, #600] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*; 1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be delivered;
1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to save,
deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give victory to;
#71 - 𝍌止 = #245 / #407 / #522
COGITO: [#80, #24, #34, #74, #64] as #71 - STOPPAGE (CHIH)
RANGE: 02 to noon 06 NOVEMBER
#245 - FEME TOTAL: #245 as [#30, #5, #20, #70, #60, #50, #10] = kaʻaç
(H3707): {UMBRA: #150 % #41 = #27} 1) to be angry, be vexed, be
indignant, be wroth, be grieved, provoke to anger and wrath; 1a) (Qal);
1a1) to be vexed, be indignant; 1a2) to be angry; 1b) (Piel) to provoke
to anger; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to vex; 1c2) to vex, provoke to anger;
{UMBRA: #300 % #41 = #13} 1) to cover, purge, make an atonement, make
reconciliation, cover over with pitch; 1a) (Qal) to coat or cover with
pitch; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to cover over, pacify, propitiate; 1b2) to cover
over, atone for sin, make atonement for; 1b3) to cover over, atone for
sin and persons by legal rites; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be covered over;
1c2) to make atonement for; 1d) (Hithpael) to be covered;
#523 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#5, #3, #5, #100, #200, #10, #200] = égersis
(G1454): {UMBRA: #523 % #41 = #31} 1) a rousing, excitation; 2) a rising
{UMBRA: #929 % #41 = #27} 1) *TO* *BE* *IGNORANT*, not to know; 2) not
to understand, unknown; 3) to err or sin through mistake, to be wrong;
#978 - MALE TOTAL: #407 as [#80, #70, #50, #8, #100, #70, #400, #200] =
ponērós (G4190): {UMBRA: #578 % #41 = #4} 1) full of labours,
annoyances, hardships; 1a) pressed and harassed by labours; 1b) bringing
toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith
and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble; 2) bad, of a bad nature or
condition; 2a) in a physical sense: diseased or *BLIND*; 2b) in an
ethical sense: evil wicked, bad;
{UMBRA: #76 % #41 = #35} 1) sheaf (as something bound); 1a) of *ISRAEL*
298 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#6, #5, #70, #2, #200, #10, #5] = ʻIbrîy
(H5680): {UMBRA: #282 % #41 = #36} 0) Hebrew = 'one from beyond'; 1) a
designation of the patriarchs and the Israelites; 2) a *DESIGNATION*
#447 - MALE TOTAL: #245 as [#6, #5, #6, #300, #70, #50, #10] = yâshaʻ
(H3467): {UMBRA: #380 % #41 = #11} 1) *TO* *SAVE*, *BE* *SAVED*, *BE*
*DELIVERED*;  1a) (Niphal); 1a1) to be liberated, be saved, be
delivered; 1a2) to be saved (in battle), be victorious; 1b) (Hiphil);
1b1) to save, deliver; 1b2) to save from moral troubles; 1b3) to give
victory to;
"Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing
of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness? For I
speak to you Gentiles (ie. #65 - MARS: SOLDIER / #175 - VENUS: MARRY;
gennáō (G1080): BIRTH TO CHILDREN), inasmuch as I am the *APOSTLE* of
the Gentiles, I magnify mine *OFFICE*-G1248: If by any means I may
*PROVOKE* to emulation them which are my *FLESH*-G4561, and might save
some of them.
For if the *CASTING* *AWAY* of them be the *RECONCILING* of the world,
what shall the receiving of them be, but *LIFE* *FROM* *THE* *DEAD*? For
if the *FIRSTFRUIT*-G536 be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the
*BRANCHES*. And if some of the FEME: #239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*
be *BROKEN* off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert *GRAFTED*-G1461
in among them, and with them partakest of the *ROOT*-G4491 and fatness
of the *OLIVE* *TREE*;
*BOAST* not against the FEME: #239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*. But if
thou *BOAST*, thou bearest not the *ROOT*-G4491, but the *ROOT*-G4491
thee. Thou wilt say then, The FEME: #239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*
were *BROKEN* off, that I might be *GRAFTED*-G1461 in. Well; because of
unbelief they were *BROKEN* off, and thou standest by faith. Be not
#239 = kládos (G2798): *BRANCHES*, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell,
otherwise thou also shalt be cut off. And they also, if they abide not
still in unbelief, shall be *GRAFTED*-G1461 in: for God is able to
*GRAFT*-G1461 them in again.
For if thou wert cut out of the *OLIVE* *TREE* which is wild by nature,
how much more shall these, which be the natural FEME: #239 = kládos
(G2798): *BRANCHES*, be *GRAFTED*-G1461 into their own *OLIVE* *TREE*?
For I would not, *BRETHREN*-G80, that ye should be *IGNORANT*-G50 of
this *MYSTERY*, lest ye should be *WISE* in your own  *CONCEITS*; that
*BLINDNESS* in part is happened to *ISRAEL*, until the fulness of the
Gentiles be come in. And so all *ISRAEL* shall be *SAVED*: as it is
written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away
*UNGODLINESS* from Jacob:" [Romans 11:12-26]
#1865 - FEME TOTAL: #245 as [#5, #400, #500, #100, #1, #9, #50, #800] =
euphraínō (G2165): {UMBRA: #1866 % #41 = #21} 1) to gladden, make
*JOYFUL*; 1a) to be glad, to be merry, to rejoice; 1b) to rejoice in, be
delighted with a thing;
-- ODE TO JOY --
#1442 - MALE TOTAL: #533 as [#20, #1, #300, #70, #10, #20, #70, #400,
#50, #300, #1, #200] = katoikéō (G2730): {UMBRA: #1226 % #41 = #37} 1)
to dwell, settle; 1a) metaph. divine powers, influences, etc., are said
to dwell in his soul, to pervade, prompt, govern it; 2) to dwell in,
inhabit; 2a) God is said to dwell in the temple, i.e. to be always
present for worshippers;
#1186 - FEME TOTAL: #214 as [#40, #10, #200, #6, #300, #30, #600] =
Yᵉrûwshâlaim (H3389): {UMBRA: #586 % #41 = #12} 0) Jerusalem = 'teaching
of peace'; 1) the chief city of Palestine and capital of the united
kingdom and the nation of Judah after the split;
#457 - FEME TOTAL: #214 as [#6, #10, #300, #40, #70, #1, #30] =
Yishmâʻêʼl (H3458): {UMBRA: #451 % #41 = #41} 0) Ishmael = 'God will
hear'; 1) son of Abraham and Sarah's handmaid Hagar and the progenitor
of the Arabian peoples; 2) son of Nethaniah and the murderer of
Gedaliah; 3) a Benjamite, one of the sons of Azel a descendant of Saul
through Meribbaal or Mephibosheth; 4) a Judaite, father of Zebadiah; 5)
a Judaite, son of Johanan and one of the captains who aided Jehoiada in
restoring Joash to the throne; 6) a priest of the family of Pashur with
a foreign wife whom he was forced to put away by Ezra;
#540 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#80, #100, #1, #3, #40, #1, #300, #5, #9,
#1] = pragmateía (G4230): {UMBRA: #541 % #41 = #8} 1) prosecution of any
affair; 1a) business, occupation;
#532 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #1, #10] /
#656 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #5, #50, #70, #10] /
#856 - ONTIC TOTAL: #354 as [#8, #3, #70, #400, #40, #5, #50, #70, #10,
#200] = hēgéomai (G2233): {UMBRA: #137 % #41 = #14} 1) to lead; 1a) to
go before; 1b) to be a leader; 1b1) to rule, command; 1b2) to have
authority over; 1b3) a prince, of regal power, governor, viceroy, chief,
leading as respects influence, controlling in counsel, overseers or
leaders of the churches; 1b4) used of any kind of leader, chief,
commander; 1b5) the leader in speech, chief, spokesman; 1c) to consider,
deem, account, think;
#644 - DEME TOTAL: #250 as [#5, #40, #5, #30, #5, #300, #8, #200, #1,
#50] = meletáō (G3191): {UMBRA: #1181 % #41 = #33} 1) to care for,
attend to carefully, practise; 2) to meditate i.e. to devise, contrive;
2a) used of the Greeks of the meditative pondering and the practice of
orators and rhetoricians;
{UMBRA: #1408 % #41 = #14} 1) to live together with one; 1a) of physical
life on earth; 1b) to live a new life in union with Christ, i.e.
dedicated to God;
academics / cognitive scientists / oriental linguists on the topic
informal research deploying a specific neural linguistic pragma (ie.
Hebrew / Greek as continuum markers).
who is a psychologist and neuroscientist with research interests in
consciousness (eg: Minimal Phenomenal Experience), meditation, and
non-duality. He is the founding director of Non-duality Institute, an
independent center for the scientific research of Non-Dual Awareness to
which our discovery of "#174 - ANIMA / ANIMUS AND #336 - PERSONAL
UNCONSCIOUS COEFFICIENTS" is most pertinent to this paradigm as
different type of consciousness which tries to experience things before
human thought, before human labels and binaries have been applied to
them. It is a state of consciousness that realizes oneness or
non-duality. When an individual realizes non-dual awareness, what was
previously experienced as separation and dichotomy is found to no longer
exist. Non-dual awareness is a state of consciousness that rests in the
background of all conscious experiencing.
As a validating CASE STUDY to the COEFFICIENT HYPOTHESIS, we provided a
SYSTEMS ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY as a means for appraisal of MUNDANE #65 /
1022 HOURS ON 12 AUGUST 2024 making an assay observation with the
TEMPORAL HEURISTIC to an equivalent scenario as CCTV EVENT where "OTHER
PARTY B" is placed within a reciprocal situation and prevaricated (ie.
their self interest has a priority against a spontaneous need of others)
when reasonably asked to remove their vehicle because the resident
needed to get to work.
Revision Date: 14 August 2024
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